Thursday, June 23, 2005

Push It Past Game 6 And You May Spark My Interest

I use to be a huge NBA fan. Back in the 90s I never missed a Chicago Bulls game. I faithfully routed for my team even before they started wining back to back championships. Jordan was my idol! He was simply amazing on the court and off the court he's a pretty good guy too. I got to meet him once when he played at a local Mario Lemiux celebrity golf tournament. He's not a bad golfer either. So enough of me "kissing the air he flies thru" (get it, a play on words like "kissing the ground he walks on"). That was then, this is now. Today there is little to worship or cheer for, or even like when it comes to the NBA. The players are generally spoiled, childish and basically assholes. The games lack that excitement they once possessed and instead of "heros" winning the game with that final shot at the buzzer, we are left with a bunch of rich thugs slugging it out sometimes even before tipoff.

Now THAT is what I call getting close to the action!
Get up and personal with your favorite NBA All-Stars.
Forget the autographs, how about a nice punch in the face instead?
It's just another way Ron Artest likes to "leave his mark".

As the NBA season comes to an end, I can't say I watched much of the regular season or playoffs. I have barely even watched the finals between the Spurs and Pistons. I'm sure I'm not alone in saying that as the final championship game comes to a close tonight, we will remember this NBA season more for the mayhem than the glory. Whoever wins tonight and is crowned the world champs will have their accomplishments overshadowed much like the way Mike Tyson's career is looked back on (06/13/05
Mike Tyson Calls It Quits After A Disgusting Performance). People will remember more of the big Indian Pacer and Detroit Piston brawl than anything else. It was talked about on ESPN, local and national news for a month straight! We will also close out this NBA season with the ugly dispute about the collective bargaining agreement...and perhaps carry the negotiations well into the off season. Pro athletes wanting more money? Hmm, there is a surprise.

At the very least, I can say "I might" sit thru (or shall I say, suffer thru) game 7 tonight of the Spurs vs Pistons. I don't have anyone to route for, so really I don't give a crap who wins. That in itself is something very, very rare when it comes to me and sports. I am a competitive freak whether I'm watching or playing. So not having someone to route for is bizarre to me. I suppose if I did have to pick a team, I would go for the Spurs just because the Pistons probably shouldn't even be in it given the fact they were the sparrow partner with the Pacers earlier this year. They are lucky the entire team wasn't suspended for the season. There is little to look forward to when it comes to the next year's NBA season. I find that there is much more to look down on in the NBA since the end of the Jordan era. Anyways, life goes on and so does hoops. So half heartedly I say "Go Spurs".

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