Friday, June 10, 2005

Public Or Private Rejection/Humiliation, You Choose

Want to know how to get rid of obnoxious and annoying bar guys? You know the ones that are unattractive and can't take a hint you're not interested. Usually they have bad pick up lines, can't dance, wear too much cologne and are eager to boast to you about how much of a stud they feel they are. Well ladies listen up because I have your answer! Everyone has heard of lines like "my number is 1-800-Get Lost" so that form of rejection/humiliation is just too obvious. Why not be more subtle and let the poor bastard down in a more creative and realistic looking way?

It's called "Not-My-Number" and it provides phone numbers nationwide for women to use when they go out and encounter those guys that "just won't give up". The concept is rather simple. You give the guy the number and tell him it's yours. When he calls, he gets a humorous rejection message aimed at deflating his ego a few notches. There's no charge for the service whatsoever, as the website relies totally upon commercial sponsors for it's revenue.

Of course men too sometimes have to deal with the unwanted girl. You know the chick that needs to get a clue. She is usually throwing herself at you in her tightest shirt with the world's shortest skirt. She leaves little to the imagination and unfortunately for you, the last thing you want to do is "imagine her" at all. So what do we do guys? Well I have a solution for this problem as well. You can either use a similar fake phone number service called "The Rejection Line", which is appropriate for ditching both men and women, or you could go the fake e-mail route and use a service called "Paper Napkin". This also can be used for men or women. Paper Napkin works like this...

Give them (or to be less suspicious), tell them it's your address and when they write you, they'll automatically get a response telling them how badly they've been rejected. If they sound desperate enough, it may even get posted and ridiculed online (via the Paper Napkin website)! Yes it's cruel, so use it wisely. Now I know what you are thinking. Sure you could just tell the guy or girl you aren't interested instead of playing these little games/tricks on them, but that wouldn't make for a very entertaining post now would it?

***Editor's Note***
Just for the record, I've never been given a fake number or e-mail address from a woman (thank god). I'm not sure I would ever use any of the above mentioned services. Although I still feel there is a need for them (would of come in handy had I know about these before) and find them pretty damn funny if I do say so myself. So for all the losers out there who fall victim to any of these services, I feel for ya. Ok actually I don't because you probably had it coming sooner or later. Still...better luck next time.

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