Monday, June 20, 2005

Laptops Outsell Desktops For The First Time Ever

Perhaps it's the fact that laptops are not the most easy thing to upgrade, nor are they the most cost efficient in terms of upgrading, as compared to a desktop PC. Technology changes so fast that within a year or two, your laptop is obsolete - even more so than a desktop. Could it be that most laptops have a shorter life span than your average desktop PC, thus needing to be replaced more often? Because laptops are so mobile, your risk of something happening to it obviously increases, which in turn causes you to go out and buy a new one. This includes losing them, theft or accidental damage such as Fido pissing on it. Perhaps you should of said yes to that BS warranty they tried to sell you.

In any case it looks like laptop sales are increasing as more and more computing goes wireless. Nobody wants to sit in a room wired when you can have the freedom of wireless technology. Go wireless and you'll be spending your time virtually anywhere, including the great outdoors! Therefore the jump in laptop sales only makes sense, not to mention the fact that you can buy many good laptops now for under $1,000 making them very affordable. According to research firm Current Analysis, sales of laptops accounted for 53% of the total PC market last month, up from 46% a year earlier. I expect to see these numbers only increase in the future.

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