Sunday, June 5, 2005

If It Doesn't Fit, You Must Equit

The famous words (if it doesn't fit, you must equit) spoken by defense attorney Johnny Cochran back in the 90's, as he was defending OJ Simpson on double murder chargers, now come into play in the latest "trial of the century" - the Michael Jackson child molestation trial. Although in this case we aren't talking about a designer leather glove or even the sparkly glove that helped make Jackson famous. No, we are talking about whether or not the stories and all the "evidence" adds up enough to show guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. If not (if it doesn't fit), then you must equit. After just 66 days of court duty, closing statements ended this past Friday and now it's up to the jury whether or not Michael Jackson will walk or the accusing family will be awarded millions. If Jackson is found guilty, he could face up to 15 years in a state prison!

The panel of eight women and four men filed into the deliberation room where they will sift through nearly 700 pieces of evidence. Relying on their recollections and notes from the testimony of 140 witnesses, they will determine whether Michael Jackson is guilty of molesting a 13-year-old boy. The panel deliberated for about two hours Friday before breaking for the day. They are not sequestered and will resume deliberations Monday.

I've been following the trial as much as I could and I did a post on it (03/07/05 Michael Jackson Trial Gives New Meaning To "Beat It") when it started back in March. I kept an open mind through the trial, but I must say I still feel pretty much the same on things as I did even before opening statements began. I am honestly going to be shocked if Michael Jackson doesn't walk free. I just think the brothers couldn't get their stories straight and I'm sure everyone can agree the accuser's mother doesn't seem very credible. Jackson will tell you himself that it's a fact he shared his bed with this boy, but that doesn't necessarily mean anything sexual happened. Although in my opinion it's still a little creepy and society in general will see that as "wrong", but I don't think it will be seen as "criminal" in this case.

If in fact Michael Jackson didn't molest this boy, then I hope he walks free and he learns something from it - like no more kids in your bed Peter Pan! If he is a child molester, then whether he is found guilty or not, he sure is one hell of a magic show. Perhaps Wonderland really is a magical place to pull that off for so many years. Seriously though, my gut is telling me the guy is just plain weird and not a child molester. Was it wrong of him to have little boys sleep in his bed? Sure it was if you look at thru the eyes of society in terms of what is acceptable and not acceptable behavior. If you look at it thru the eyes of Mr. Jackson, then it's "normal" and innocent. Nobody can deny Michael Jackson is defiantly different than your average 40+ year old man. His mentality is that of a child and an uniformed one at that.

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