Saturday, June 25, 2005

Maintenance Scheduled For My Blog

Over the course of the next few days (time permitting), I will be doing a little facelift on my blog. What I mean by that is I will clean up any broken links or missing image files, fix any typos I have made and delete any spam comments left in the posts. In addition to that I will even go thru the "Bloggers Who Commented" list removing or updating users/blogs that either no longer exist or haven't been active in 60+ days. Initially it sounds like busy work that isn't really needed, given the fact that I have other more pressing things that take priority, but it really won't take me more than a few minutes to do this.

I figure after nearly 6 months of blogging, a little cleanup work may need to be completed. I keep throwing around the idea of changing up the blog template to a new tech theme, but of course I can't decide on anything that looks halfway decent and I would like it to be original work. So for now it looks like I am sticking with the one you see before you. I've updated my blog profile by adding my photo and linking to it on the frontpage as well. I'm not crazy about how it look in terms of meshing well with the rest of the layout, so I might move it around trying to improve the overall style of the site. By the way, Blogger announced the other day that it is now offering free image hosting right on their servers! You can store up to 300MB of photos in a variety of formats to be used with your blog. Click here for more details.

So that is what I will be up to on the blog and if you see a glitch here or there, don't worry because I'll work those bugs out pretty fast. I doubt you will notice any problems that a quick page refresh a few minutes later can't correct. So Mr. Fix-It will be doing just that, fixing things here in the blogosphere. Hopefully it is change for the better.

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