Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Celebrity Blogs Including Mark Cuban's

It seems like everyone these days has a little corner on the net. Whether it's their own domain name and website or they just keep a blog going, it's becoming more and more common for people to have a URL alongside of their name, e-mail, cell phone number and home address. Celebrities are no different except they like to keep the majority of the public "out of the loop" when it comes to telling their private/personal contact info. One exception to this rule is that many are putting up their own blogs to interact with the public. It's a safer, less "crazy fan stalking" method of connecting with people. Just like blogs belonging to non-celebrities, some celebrity blogs are personal diaries of their lives and some are more topic oriented.

Now if you know me, you know I'm not much into the Hollywood stuff. Personally, I could care less if Britney got knocked up by some trashy dude or if Tom Cruise is engaged to a girl half his age or even if Oprah has been abducted by aliens...well now THAT I would like to know about so I could cheer. Anyways, I did come across one celebrity blog that interested me. It belongs to a former dot-com millionaire and current owner of the Dallas Mavericks, Mr. Mark Cuban. Cuban's blog takes 2 of my loves and combines them - tech and basketball. How could I not be intrigued to read more? Plus he is from the same city I grew up and live in. I have seen him interviewed on occasion and for whatever reason I can't seem to remember if I liked him or not. He is one of those guys that people either love or hate, usually no in-between. He's cocky and a little on the obnoxious side, but he is bright guy that made big bucks and now he is getting to live out the dream of any big kid spending the money as he sees fit. Rough life huh? Well actually it was BEFORE he made it big in the tech industry.

His first business was selling garbage bags door to door as a kid. He was a stereotypical nerd (and if you ask me, is still nerdy today, just the cash helps in the clothes department). After college he had virtually no knowledge in computers, but founded a tech company called MicroSolutions which he then later sold to CompuServe for a cool $6 million. After that he had an idea of broadcasting live games and events through the internet, which led to him creating which then was sold to Yahoo for $2 BILLION dollars! Now Cuban has taken his money and bought his own NBA team and is enjoying the good life. God, this would be my dream life! Hitting it big in the tech world and then being young enough to still enjoy life with all that money. I too would be buying my own professional sports team. It's been my dream as a kid to do that and I'm sure it was Cuban's also. He is just lucky enough to actually make the dream a reality!

Now the link you have been waiting for, is Mark Cuban's Blog. I know there are other celeb blogs out there, I just haven't gone looking for them. So if you have a good link to a celeb blog, post it in the comment section and maybe if there is enough interest and a lengthy enough list going, I will make a section for Celebrity Blogs on my sidebar.

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