Sunday, June 26, 2005

Summer Has Officially Begun - WHOPPIE!

In case you didn't already know, the first day of summer kicked off this past Tuesday according to calendars. So with that, I thought I would share my summer time list of "Loves and Hates" for the season. Perhaps you share some of the same with me, or if you feel chatty, you can post your list in the comment section. If you do nothing else, remember to keep the kid running the lemonade stand down the street in business. Sure 25 cents is more than what I sold it for back in the day and granted kids get lazy and make the mix stuff instead of doing the real homemade kind, but hey he needs to buy a pocket bike this summer so let's help him out. (Alex here is selling it for just 20 cents! Damn it. I should of shopped around and saved a nickel - kidding. Maybe Alex's lemonade isn't as tasty as what I bought. Nah, Alex looks like he's got game so I bet it's good too.) Now, here's my list...

  • the nice warm weather
  • a healthy tan
  • the long daylight hours
  • the crickets chirping at night
  • women wearing less and smelling like suntan lotion - yum
  • pool parties and outdoor BBQs
  • long motorcycle ride home
  • pickup basketball games
  • spending an evening at the ballpark tailgating with friends
  • a good summer romance
  • camping out and making smoores
  • mountain biking covered in mud and loving it
  • practically living in shorts, tees and sandals

  • that one annoying bird who insists on being the first to sing waking me and other birds up BEFORE dawn
  • having the A/C bill run up
  • sweating my ass off with leather car seats
  • nothing good on TV
  • having to work during the day as compared to being a kid and having off
  • bad sun burns (fortunately I don't get those anymore, just tan now)
  • thinking of new excuses as to why I don't want a summer fling with ex girlfriends
  • Harley riders who feel necessary to talk sh*t and flex their beer muscle on younger guys who ride crotch rockets
  • sucking lawnmower fumes and getting buzzed by that mixed with sun heat/humidity while cutting grass
  • not being able to take my little buddy for a dog walk these days
  • hands down my biggest gripe - bug bites

Then there is always the shyster. This boy is a prime example. He's taken his entrepreneurship skills high tech and he's on the verge of highway robber in the process. A $1 off your first cup of lemonade? Ah, what are you selling it for if it's a buck off with your website coupon? My advice, stay away from this kid. Chances are if he has the money and know-how to host a website, then he doesn't need to be selling some overpriced lemonade for his summer job. He should look into being a lawyer if he wants to rip people off. Just look at that smug face of his. It screams "you're a sucker and I'll get away with this because I'll play up the inocent little boy act" - mmmwah haha.

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