Monday, June 6, 2005

eBay Human Ad Space Overload

A few months back, a man came up with the idea of auctioning off his forehead on eBay to be used as a human billboard. Since then, eBay has been flooded with people doing spin-offs on the idea trying to sell numerous body parts and material possessions to be used as ad space. From babies, to breasts, to cars, there is no limit to what people are trying to sell/market to hungry advertisers.

Let me catch everyone up to speed if this is the first you have heard of this. A 20-year-old web designer named Andrew Fischer (or better known as "The Forehead Guy") from Omaha was the first to auction off his forehead on eBay to be used as ad space. A company called SnoreStop was the winning bid, at get this...over $37,375! He had no idea the bidding would go that high and of course he is back at it again in hopes more advertisers will want in on his precious noggin.

Is it just me, or is anyone else amazed at some of the stuff that goes up on eBay? Some ideas, like this one, I just want to slap my forehead and say "duh, why didn't I think of that". Then again I can't see subjecting my body to such blatant advertising even if I did make nearly 40 grand off of it. Ah, who am I kidding? I would do it. It wouldn't kill me and like this guy, I would be the one with the last laugh...all the way to the bank. Besides, most people wear t-shirt slogans and designer clothing with the label displayed somewhere on their body, so how much different can it be to plaster it on your forehead? Right now I have an old tee on that says "Polo Jeans" and Ralph Lauren isn't sending me a check. Perhaps I'm the idiot since this guy is getting paid for "sponsorship" and I'm not.

You can check out "The Forehead Guy" website at

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