Friday, September 29, 2006

Kids, Try This At Home

Question...if you purchase a Dell laptop and it arrives wrapped in a plastic cover, are you that stupid that you need a reminder in the form of a chocking symbol to tell you that you could suffocate if you place the plastic bag ontop of your head and suck in heavily? If you are that dumb to huff a plastic bag, are you really capable of operating the laptop it arrived in? Seriously.

And if we have to put this frightening/funny symbol on a plastic bag, why don't we have a cartoon drawing of a man slicing his wrists with cardboard? After all, the laptop is shipped in a big brown cardboard box. So why not put a wrist slashing doodle on the outside of the Dell shipping box? And since we are going to do that, how about we also sketch something up that shows a man stuffing his body cavities (nose, ears and other unspeakable places) with bits of Styrofoam taken from the packaging inserts? I'm sure that could lead to a case of S.H.C. - Spontaneous Human Combustion.

I don't know, these are just some things I pondered as I was opening up my new Inspiron E1705 and had to share my thoughts. I hope you found it enlightening. Some things that make you go hmm.

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Quality Not Quantity

Starting October 1st, I think I may be blogging less. I'm not finding enough time in the day to post on a regular basis, nor do I feel like I want to post as regular as I have been in the past. So if my blogging schedule is somewhat sporadic, you'll have to forgive and get use to it. I don't want my blog to feel like a chore. I want it to remain as something I enjoy doing. A creative outlet. My little voice on the net. There's plenty of things going on and I have much to say, but I just don't always feel like sharing it. It takes time to find words and if I rush what I write, then I think the blog will suffer and won't be worth reading. Sometimes less is more. Right now, I want it to be about quality and not quantity.

By the way, that's a photo of Blogger gurus Pete and Prashant. They are offensively happy and overly excited about their spankin' new Blogger hoodies that just arrived in big box of warm fuzziness. Nerdy? Yes, but they are cozy as we move into the Fall weather. So go ahead, hate on them while you shiver.

Blog on bitches.

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Attempted Suicide By Terrell Owens

Any psychologist will tell you, the worst thing you can do to someone is publicly humiliate them. It's very cruel, especially to a child. On the news you often hear the story of a child who was picked on and bullied relentlessly in school. He comes home at 3 in the afternoon, pulls out the gun from his father's dresser drawer, places the cold steel barrel in his mouth and squeezes the trigger. Some even head into the classroom to take out their built-up anger, frustration and overwhelming pain. To release it on those responsible for making them feel the way they do about themselves. It's a final act. The "I'll show them" attitude. They'll shoot up the entire school before turning the gun on themselves. Depression is a horrible thing to live with. Left untreated it can cripple the mind, body and spirit. The weight can be so unbearable that the only way out, makes death feel like the answer.

I can't say I was surprised this morning when I turned on the news and learned of a suicide attempt by Dallas Cowboys wide receiver Terrell Owens. For months, even years now he has been the target of a ridiculous amount of public criticism. Perhaps some of it did have merit, but most of it was just plain harassment. Pure and simple. I know you are thinking because he is a celebrity, he needs to get use to the criticism. Really my feeling is that although criticism may come with the territory, his lavish lifestyle, that doesn't give anyone just cause to ridicule Ownes in the matter that he's been subject to. A person can only take so much (a child or an adult) and apparently Ownes had enough. He has been on prescription pain pills for a broken hand, but late Tuesday night he took over 40 of the pills in what police are calling an attempted suicide.

So please, everyone lighten the f*ck up on TO. It's a game for God sake. It's a form of entertainment. You may be a die hard fan, but what happens on the gridiron isn't a matter of life and death. To you, the super obsessed sports fan, perhaps it is. But to Terrell Ownes, it should NOT be about life and death. Let the guy have some fun. Let him live his life how he chooses to. He's talented despite whether or not the public thinks he's a good character. And when it comes down to it, how pathetic and ugly are the people that have nothing better to do than to constantly revolve their life around what TO is doing or saying? Who are they to cast judgment? They probably feel the need to bash someone else because they can't stand being in their own skin. How sad is that. They should be the ones that are the subject of ridicule...and a good starting point would be for them to look in the mirror.

Besides, nobody cares what you think, the nobody fan with the big "You Suck TO" painted on your fat belly in the stands. Just drink your beer, stuff your face with another hotdog and watch the game. And if anyone truly cares to hear your opinion on TO, then Sports Center will be at your front door asking for it. Until then, lay off the guy...unless of course you would like go to sleep at night with the fact that you contributed to a suicide on your conscience.

At this time Terrell Ownes is denying allegations that he attempted to commit suicide. Now whether or not TO really did try to kill himself is unknown, but if you think about it, many people who attempt suicide would never admit to it. They feel bad about themselves as it is, often feel like they can't do anything right - like failures. So do you really think they would confess that they even failed at ending their own life? Think about it. That's just another thing they have to live with now.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006


I love me some Jennifer Lopez, but throw in Beyonce and not one, but TWO sweet ass sport bikes and I'm in heaven! Not to mention the knee high stiletto boots and leather. Ahh, yeah. That's some very, very good eye candy right there. There are so many beautiful lines and curves in this photo (the girls and the bikes) that I don't know where to drool first. This still shot comes from a Pepsi commercial that is currently being aired in Japan. Why they can't bring this hotness to the States, I have no clue. Life is so unfair. Thank God for the Internet or I would of missed out on this abundance of sexiness.

I'm sure the flipside is amazing too. Now if I could only talk to the photo and tell them to slowly turn around for me, that would be great!

Monday, September 25, 2006

Now That's NOT A Compliment

Boys Night Out, for the most part, is a blast! However, there are times when Boys Night Out turns a little...well...uncomfortable.

Anonymous Male Friend says...
"I'm so horny and so trashed right now that I'll f*ck any of them (referring to the female strippers). I'd even do you (referring to me)."

It's at that time when I have to turn to him, look him squarely in the eye and say...
"Dude. No."

Yeah he was cut off at that point. Friends don't let friends F other friends.

Friday, September 22, 2006

Now That's A Compliment

I'm withholding the source's name.

"You have a smile that makes me weak in the knees."

Thursday, September 21, 2006

The Evolution Of Women

The phrase "barefoot and pregnant" may actually sound LESS offensive after reading this how-to guide below. On May 13, 1955 a home economics textbook titled "Housekeeping Monthly" published what is known as "The Good Wife's Guide". It was intended to teach high school girls how to prepare for married life. The advice is so ridiculous that it's almost impossible to believe that anyone ever thought this way. Although, I did find it very funny to read. I can't speak for all guys, but I know I like the modern day woman. The woman that is educated. Has a career. A life. Goals. Dreams. Passion. A mind of her own, one she isn't afraid to speak. She would spark my interest and hold my attention far more than the robot-like woman on the 1950s.

The Good Wife's Guide

  • Have dinner ready. Plan ahead, even the night before, to have a delicious meal ready, on time for his return. This is a way of letting him know that you have been thinking about him and are concerned about his needs. Most men are hungry when they come home and the prospect of a good meal (especially his favorite dish) is a part of the warm welcome needed. (I want to marry her!)
  • Prepare yourself. Take 15 minutes to rest so you'll be refreshed when he arrives. Touch up your make-up, put a ribbon in your hair and be fresh-looking. He has just been with a lot of work-weary people. (Or better yet, just greet me at the door wearing nothing but a smile.)
  • Be a little gay and a little more interesting for him. His boring day may need a lift and one of your duties is to provide it. (If it takes a little "gay" to "lift" you, then you probably don't want a woman.)
  • Clear away the clutter. Make one last trip through the main part of the house just before your husband arrives. (Greet him at the door in the manner I suggested and trust me, he won't notice the clutter.)
  • Gather up schoolbooks, toys, paper etc and then run a dust cloth over the tables. (Again, greet him at the door in the manner I suggested and I can assure you that dust will be the furthest thing from his mind.)
  • Over the cooler months of the year you should prepare and light a fire for him to unwind by. Your husband will feel he has reached a haven of rest and order, and it will give you a lift too. After all, catering for his comfort will provide you with immense personal satisfaction. (Something tells me that these cavemen that believed women should act like this, probably also had no clue on how to provide "immense personal satisfaction" to their wife.)
  • Prepare the children. Take a few minutes to wash the children's hands and faces (if they are small), comb their hair and, if necessary, change their clothes. They are little treasures and he would like to see them playing the part. Minimize all noise. At the time of his arrival, eliminate all noise of the washer, dryer or vacuum. Try to encourage the children to be quiet. (This translates to offensive saying #2, children should be seen and not heard.)
  • Be happy to see him. (Finally, a rule that should stand the test of time.)
  • Greet him with a warm smile and show sincerity in your desire to please him. (See, greeting him at the door wearing nothing but a smile is coming into play now!)
  • Listen to him. You may have a dozen important things to tell him, but the moment of his arrival is not the time. Let him talk first - remember, his topics of conversation are more important than yours. (Maybe I'm odd, but I would much rather hear about her than listen to myself. I already know me, but I can always learn more about her.)
  • Make the evening his. Never complain if he comes home late or goes out to dinner, or other places of entertainment without you. Instead, try to understand his world of strain and pressure and his very real need to be at home and relax. (Can you say "regular titty bar patron"?)
  • Your goal: Try to make sure your home is a place of peace, order and tranquility where your husband can renew himself in body and spirit. (Renew himself in body and spirit - like masturbating?)
  • Don't greet him with complaints and problems. (AMEN!)
  • Don't complain if he's late home for dinner or even if he stays out all night. Count this as minor compared to what he might have gone through that day. (In other words they are trying to say...if he's screwing the secretary, just turn the other cheek. Simple, right?)
  • Make him comfortable. Have him lean back in a comfortable chair or have him lie down in the bedroom. Have a cool or warm drink ready for him. (Beer & BJ)
  • Arrange his pillow and offer to take off his shoes. Speak in a low, soothing and pleasant voice. (Just from reading that, I'm feeling relaxed already. Or hypnotized?)
  • Don't ask him questions about his actions of question his judgment or integrity. Remember, he is the master of the house and as such will always exercise his will with fairness and truthfulness. You have no right to question him. (WOW! I have nothing to say, but wow.)
  • A good wife always knows her place. (And a smart man would never think so asinine.)

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Sex Toy Or Baby Toy - Take The Quiz

Whenever I post anything about sex toys on my blog, I seem to get a crazy amount of hits. So either you are all perverts are all perverts. With that fact aside, it's time for another sex toy post. So if you are at work reading this, you may want to make a note to yourself to visit my blog later when you are in a more private setting. However, if a photo of a large dildo popping on your computer screen isn't a concern of yours, then feel free to visit the link below from the comfort of your office cubicle.

I came across this quiz (NSFW) on the tech site Obviously, the quiz has nothing to do with technology news, but who really cares, it's cool! They give you 15 photos of various objects which could either be looked at as a sex toy or as a baby toy. Your job is to guess which is which. That's the fun part, to see how clueless or how much of an sexpert you are. I scored 9/15 which was pretty good or maybe pretty scary depending how you look at it.

Of course the scariest thing is when I confidently selected "baby toy" for one of the objects. I was certain that it was the exact same teething ring my niece had when she was a baby. Although when my test score was calculated, I learned it was not a teething ring, but rather a cock ring! As long as I'm alive, she better NEVER have her mouth on one of those!

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Women Trade-In Their Manola's For Razrs

Nearly ever girl I know is a borderline shopaholic. Women are obsessed with clothes, in particular, shoes. Women love shoes! Although diamonds are said to be a girl's best friend, I think shoes are a very close second. For some women, Manolo Blahnik and Jimmy Choo shoes are more coveted than, say diamond stud earrings. So could it be possible that a girl with a shoe shopping fetish could be persuaded to give up her most prized pair of heals for iPod? Apparently a new study done by the folks on the Oxygen TV network say yes.

The survey found that 3 out of 4 women said they'd choose an HD-TV over a diamond solitaire necklace. Women preferred a top-of-the-line cell phone to designer shoes by a similar margin. And a little white iPod narrowly trumped a little black dress. These are among the results of the "Girls Gone Wired" (clever title if I do say so myself) survey that polled 1,400 women and 700 men. Ages ranged from 15 to 49 years old and was done to compare tech attitudes among the sexes. The findings suggest advertisers need to address a broad audience and not talk down to women. Advertisers are best served communicating lifestyle benefits of tech products by showing what's useful about them, rather than focusing on specifications. They discovered that are only subtle differences between the sexes, at least when it comes to their attitudes toward technology. As far as men being from Mars and women being from Venus...that still exists.

Women are much more tech savvy than they give themselves credit for. Dare I go as far to say that men and women are equally competent in the technology arena? Yeah, I'll say it. I was rather surprised to see my date whip out her new sleek and stylish pink Razr phone and be all excited about it. Clearly it was a move on her part to showoff, knowing what a tech whore I am. This coming from a girl that barely uses e-mail, but yet has a hotter phone than me. What's up with that? I feel like I'm left in the stone ages. Now I need to buy a BETTER Razr so I'm one up on my tech competition. I just won't be getting it in pink though. It would clash with my shoes.

Girl = 1
Boy = 0

Don't worry, I'll be back in the game in no time.

Monday, September 18, 2006


It's Monday night. My Steelers are the featured team on Monday Night Football. I have snacks on hand. Beer on ice. Friends will soon be surrounding me to watch the big game. I should feel psyched and ready to cheer, but I feel depressed and wanting to lay on my couch alone. I use to have a Monday Night Football tradition. I use to turn the game on, turn it up and look to my dog and enthusiastically say..."are you ready for some football?" In an instant she would leave her doggie bed in the corner and jump up on the couch to lay on my chest. It was our version of "date night". Now it's so quiet in my house. Too quiet. It doesn't feel like home anymore and I don't want to be there. So I go out, alot.

Tonight when I hear Hank Williams sing "are you ready for some football", I won't be cheering. I'm going to hate it. I'm not ready for some football.

It's no secret, I miss her, badly.

Friday, September 15, 2006

Postcards From Iraq

I received a postcard in the mail today. From the land I've nicknamed "Hell On Earth" - Iraqi fighting soil. A friend of mine was recently sent over and I've had little correspondence with him, but was excited to see his postcard stuffed between this month's electric bill and a Sharper Image catalog. He seems to be hanging in there. This was a much lighter side of him as compared to the last letter a few months ago. I'm not sure if he is just becoming immune to life there, numb to the surroundings, or if he has adopted a new way of looking at this war. His outlook...keeping his quirky sense of humor even in the most serious of times.

(not actual postcard, but looks very similar)

"I'm having a great time. Wish you were here. Happy you aren't! This looks nothing like the land I'm standing on. I'm in a world of shit. But don't worry bout me. I'll be home safe & praying soon. Give my girl a hug from me, not too tight now. Write me soon, laughs are always needed."

Thursday, September 14, 2006

That's One Hot Child Molester!

Here's a teacher I wouldn't bring in an apple for. I would dig up and replant the whole damn tree! I would purposely flunk my quizzes so she would have to pull me aside and speak to me privately. I'll let you molest me. Touch me in my "naughty place". I can keep a secret, you don't even have to ask. Discretion I can do. Extra credit I can do. Staying late after class for math tutoring, doable. Go ahead and throw me in the corner. I'm all yours!

They're right. Life really isn't fair. Nobody molested me. My childhood wasn't sabotaged/decorated because there wasn't a teacher in my school that looked anywhere near as hot as her! Am I not molestation-worthy? I mean come-on. I'm a nice looking guy, right? You would think I could of had at least ONE pervert who fondled me. A little groping, something, anything? And I'm not referring to that old woman from the grocery store. I'm talking about a hot 23-year-old female teacher that I would of been more than ok with stealing my virginity at a pubescent age. A Debra Lafave. The closest I came to being molested was by a skanky English teacher and that wasn't until my senior year that she hit on me. I was almost of legal age by then - boo.

Even though I'm all grown-up, the offer is still on the table. Although I realize I'm probably not your type because you are attracted to 14-year-old boys with their greasy hair, oily skin and their crackling voices. I know that must sound soooo sexy to you. Plus, I know it's hard to pass up the deep satisfaction they must give you with their full 4 seconds of pleasure. I realize you have a tough decision on your hands so I'll let you ponder it a little while Debra, but just don't wait too long because I'm hot for the teacher (er, molester)! We could even play a game - stick the tip in, just to see how it feels. I mean I'm just throwing this out a suggestion, that's all. Let me know. I'm good to go.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

I Did Not Have Sexual Relations With That Woman

Paris Hilton says she is sick of boyfriends and is celibate. I know, I know. I don't believe it either. The 25-year-old gained international fame when former boyfriend, Rick Solomon, posted a videotape of the couple having sex on the Internet. (Which by the way was a snooze-fest to watch.) Paris denied leading a promiscuous lifestyle in an interview with GQ magazine where she stated "I'm not having sex for a year. I'll kiss, but nothing else." Hilton also told the magazine she has had sex with only 2 men during her lifetime...another statement I kinda sorta don't believe. The Hilton Hotels heir and uber-socialite told the magazine she is "very shy" and relates to the late Princess Diana who was hounded by photographers.

She's "very shy", really? Could of fooled me. And I really don't think Paris could hold off from sex for an entire year any more than I could. It's just not hormonally feasible. Although a good kissing make-out session can be enthralling. One that has me yearning for more, but at the same I'm captivated enough to be patient and wait until the moment is right for progression. Often well worth the wait. Now it's not that I really care about Paris Hilton's sex life or anyone else's sex life for that matter, but I am curious as to how she would answer this question...

If Paris is not having sexual relations, does that mean she's not having sex in terms of Bill Clinton's "not having sexual relations" definition? Or is she just not having sex period, in any form?

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

The "Men Suck Bouquet"

When you care enough to send the very best, send the "Men Suck Bouquet". It's everything a girl needs and nothing she doesn't. Everything meaning flowers. Nothing meaning a man. It's the perfect gift for my sister right now as she goes thru yet another "I hate men" phases. She will often turn to me in frustration and/or tears and ask me to help unravel her latest mistake. During an hour long phone conversation that reached from the west coast to the east cost, she asked me numerous "why, why, why do men do that" questions. I feel that I gave her many good, honest answers from a male point of view. Although probably the best reason I could give her was the one that I let my pen bleed onto a small 2x3 inch card. Affixed to a bright bouquet of sweet smelling girly pedals, it read...

The "Men Suck Bouquet"
...because men are pigs.
(your little brother not included)

An Understanding Ear

Cheer up Jen or I'll be forced to send you more ridiculously colorful flowers.

Monday, September 11, 2006

What A Difference A Day Makes (9-11 Five Years Later)

I've been thinking about whether or not I want to write today. I feel that today would be better spent with my pen down. I realized that although I am remembering 9-11, I don't want to relive it. I don't want to write about it and make others relive it. Too many people haven't stopped "living it" and today although we remember, in a way we would love to forget.

This morning, two soaring towers of light will defiantly pierce the sky from the wounded western stretch of lower Manhattan. These luminous ghosts are a tribute to remembering what hardly had been forgotten. That exactly 5 years ago today, on September 11th, a terrorist attack destroyed the World Trade Center, killed more than 2,800 innocent people and changed the lives of everyone across our nation.

September 11, 2001. What a difference a day makes.

Friday, September 8, 2006

Anger Bar Allows Patrons To K.O. The Staff

If you are an angry drunk, I have the bar for you! Do you feel like bitch slapping the waitress when she spills your beer? Would you like to dropkick the bartender when he forgets the olive in your dirty martini? Or maybe the DJ won't play your request and you just want to beat him like an ugly stepchild. If this is the case, then you may want to head to eastern China where you will find a bar that actually allows patrons to beat the staff there within an inch of their life! Apparently the bar is a big hit - literally and figuratively speaking. Unlike most bars where you can "get down", The Rising Sun Anger Release Bar allows you to "beat down". It is said to be a novel way of attracting customers.

Once inside, customers smash glasses, rant and even hit specially trained workers. The owner, Wu Gong, says he was inspired to open the bar by his experiences as a migrant worker. Which from my understanding, equals out to alot of built up hostility and aggression needing to be released. The bar employs 20 men who have been given protective gear and physical training to prepare them for the job. Clients can ask the men to dress as the character they wish to attack - boss, bitter ex-girlfriend, etc.

Naturally, people are divided on the idea of the bar. On one hand some say that pressure in today's society comes from just about everywhere and having a place to vent anger is a good thing. While others say that violence is not the answer. If people really feel that angry, they should adjust their lifestyles or seek psychological treatment. I tend to agree with the later statement. Although, the idea of beating someone decorated as the person you despise does seems attractive. I'm thinking this is a place were drunken sailors could unite.

Thursday, September 7, 2006

Baby Shits Gold!

I don't give a shit that Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes are on the cover of Vanity Fair showcasing off their daughter's first public baby photos. Maybe you don't give a shit either, but apparently someone does give a shit. Her name is Suri Cruise and not only does she give a shit, but her shit is gold! Little baby Cruise shits gold. Can you believe that? Yeah, I shit you not. While most proud parents bronze their baby's first shoes or even rattle, "TomKat" has decided to petrify poo. Suri's first dump has been preserved in gold. If we can find any bit of sanity in turning human feces to 24karat gold, it's that at least you can't smell the poo. That's a plus, right?

Suri Cruise's golden baby poop statue goes on display August 30th at Capla Kesting Fine Art in Brooklyn's Williamsburg gallery district. The artist...yes, you guessed it...none other than Daniel Edwards. The same dude that brought you Britney Spears giving birth on a bearskin rug and a topless Hillary Clinton. Both pieces nauseating, as is this baby poop statue. Suri's bronzed poop is purportedly cast from the excretion of her first solid meal. Mmm, yummy. Strained peas? Carrots? Your guess is as good as mine.

Supposedly, a baby's first log can be a meaningful memento for the family and since this is "celebrity poop", apparently it's meaningful to the public (myself not included). Daniel Edwards "First Poop" is being auctioned off on eBay. Proceeds will benefit the March Of Dimes. (Would that be considered "dirty money"?)

Suri's baby shit will be exhibited under a display case until the eBay auction ends. However, don't worry bidders. If you are outbid, you can still pickup this piece of shit as Daniel Edwards will produce a limited edition plaster replica in addition to the original. Currently the auction is up to $10,000 and ends on Friday, September 8th at 12:00PM EST. So you better hurry if you want a chunk.

Wednesday, September 6, 2006

Taller = Smarter AND Richer

I usually categorize these news articles under the "Stupid Studies" section on my blog. However, this study is not stupid. It's genius! Genius to me because at 6'1, I would be classified as being on the tall side. So if this study is true, and they claim it is, then this is very good news for me. Like it or not, it's been proven that attractive people earn more than average looking Joes. And even though it's 2006, women still earn less than a man for the same work. Unfair, yes, but proven true. So here is just one more "fact" that is sure to get some people's panties in a bind.

It is well-documented that short people earn less money than tall people do. If you compare two large groups of people who are similar in every respect but height, the average pay for the taller group will be higher. The study finds that tall people earn more on average because they're smarter, on average. Ooooo! Even at age 5, a variety of intelligence measures (based on conceptual maturity, visual-motor coordination and vocabulary) are higher on average for taller kids.

Maybe this just makes it easier to step on the little people as you make your way up the corporate ladder? Of course you can always advance your career the old fashion way...sleeping your way to the top. Remember, it's not who you know, but who you blow. And when you are short, you don't even have to get on your knees to get the job done! Oh the irony.

Tuesday, September 5, 2006

One-Night Stand Etiquette (3 Credits)

School is back in session and for college freshman, I'm going to share something that you won't find in your student handbook. This information is handed down from those that have walked the campus before you. And one day, as an alumni, you will past this same information down to a lonely underclassman - so unaware, so uninformed, so naive. The course is not an elective, but rather a part of your core curriculum! It's "One-Night Stand Etiquette". We've all had them, some more than others. And if you are a first year co-ed, you most likely will expierence these encounters so it's important you have a solid understanding of the proper etiquette of a one-nighter. So grab your Pink Pet eraser and pencil, class is in session. Your instructor...I give you Miss Chelsea.

Pay particular attention to "foot, roll, door".

Sorry, it seems the full video is no longer available. This video is only the first 2:12 seconds of it.

Friday, September 1, 2006

I Refuse To Labor This Labor Day Weekend

Every Labor Day weekend growing up, I was called to duty. The annual "closing of the family pool". The annual "sealing of the driveway". The annual "insert chore here". My sisters managed to squeeze by the call of duty. A slick move on their part that I despised. But me, being the youngest and perhaps the least slyest, I was stuck doing chores when everyone else was enjoying the final weekend of summer. Now that I'm grown, I refuse to labor this Labor Day weekend. I'm finally putting my foot a flip-flop, in the sand.

This Labor Day weekend, I will do whatever MY little heart desires. I will eat. I will drink. I will sleep. I will have my fun. I will not labor. Sorry Dad, this year you're on your own.

Your Ungrateful and Selfish Son. :)