Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Sex Toy Or Baby Toy - Take The Quiz

Whenever I post anything about sex toys on my blog, I seem to get a crazy amount of hits. So either you are all perverts are all perverts. With that fact aside, it's time for another sex toy post. So if you are at work reading this, you may want to make a note to yourself to visit my blog later when you are in a more private setting. However, if a photo of a large dildo popping on your computer screen isn't a concern of yours, then feel free to visit the link below from the comfort of your office cubicle.

I came across this quiz (NSFW) on the tech site Obviously, the quiz has nothing to do with technology news, but who really cares, it's cool! They give you 15 photos of various objects which could either be looked at as a sex toy or as a baby toy. Your job is to guess which is which. That's the fun part, to see how clueless or how much of an sexpert you are. I scored 9/15 which was pretty good or maybe pretty scary depending how you look at it.

Of course the scariest thing is when I confidently selected "baby toy" for one of the objects. I was certain that it was the exact same teething ring my niece had when she was a baby. Although when my test score was calculated, I learned it was not a teething ring, but rather a cock ring! As long as I'm alive, she better NEVER have her mouth on one of those!

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