Thursday, September 28, 2006

Quality Not Quantity

Starting October 1st, I think I may be blogging less. I'm not finding enough time in the day to post on a regular basis, nor do I feel like I want to post as regular as I have been in the past. So if my blogging schedule is somewhat sporadic, you'll have to forgive and get use to it. I don't want my blog to feel like a chore. I want it to remain as something I enjoy doing. A creative outlet. My little voice on the net. There's plenty of things going on and I have much to say, but I just don't always feel like sharing it. It takes time to find words and if I rush what I write, then I think the blog will suffer and won't be worth reading. Sometimes less is more. Right now, I want it to be about quality and not quantity.

By the way, that's a photo of Blogger gurus Pete and Prashant. They are offensively happy and overly excited about their spankin' new Blogger hoodies that just arrived in big box of warm fuzziness. Nerdy? Yes, but they are cozy as we move into the Fall weather. So go ahead, hate on them while you shiver.

Blog on bitches.

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