Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Attempted Suicide By Terrell Owens

Any psychologist will tell you, the worst thing you can do to someone is publicly humiliate them. It's very cruel, especially to a child. On the news you often hear the story of a child who was picked on and bullied relentlessly in school. He comes home at 3 in the afternoon, pulls out the gun from his father's dresser drawer, places the cold steel barrel in his mouth and squeezes the trigger. Some even head into the classroom to take out their built-up anger, frustration and overwhelming pain. To release it on those responsible for making them feel the way they do about themselves. It's a final act. The "I'll show them" attitude. They'll shoot up the entire school before turning the gun on themselves. Depression is a horrible thing to live with. Left untreated it can cripple the mind, body and spirit. The weight can be so unbearable that the only way out, makes death feel like the answer.

I can't say I was surprised this morning when I turned on the news and learned of a suicide attempt by Dallas Cowboys wide receiver Terrell Owens. For months, even years now he has been the target of a ridiculous amount of public criticism. Perhaps some of it did have merit, but most of it was just plain harassment. Pure and simple. I know you are thinking because he is a celebrity, he needs to get use to the criticism. Really my feeling is that although criticism may come with the territory, his lavish lifestyle, that doesn't give anyone just cause to ridicule Ownes in the matter that he's been subject to. A person can only take so much (a child or an adult) and apparently Ownes had enough. He has been on prescription pain pills for a broken hand, but late Tuesday night he took over 40 of the pills in what police are calling an attempted suicide.

So please, everyone lighten the f*ck up on TO. It's a game for God sake. It's a form of entertainment. You may be a die hard fan, but what happens on the gridiron isn't a matter of life and death. To you, the super obsessed sports fan, perhaps it is. But to Terrell Ownes, it should NOT be about life and death. Let the guy have some fun. Let him live his life how he chooses to. He's talented despite whether or not the public thinks he's a good character. And when it comes down to it, how pathetic and ugly are the people that have nothing better to do than to constantly revolve their life around what TO is doing or saying? Who are they to cast judgment? They probably feel the need to bash someone else because they can't stand being in their own skin. How sad is that. They should be the ones that are the subject of ridicule...and a good starting point would be for them to look in the mirror.

Besides, nobody cares what you think, the nobody fan with the big "You Suck TO" painted on your fat belly in the stands. Just drink your beer, stuff your face with another hotdog and watch the game. And if anyone truly cares to hear your opinion on TO, then Sports Center will be at your front door asking for it. Until then, lay off the guy...unless of course you would like go to sleep at night with the fact that you contributed to a suicide on your conscience.

At this time Terrell Ownes is denying allegations that he attempted to commit suicide. Now whether or not TO really did try to kill himself is unknown, but if you think about it, many people who attempt suicide would never admit to it. They feel bad about themselves as it is, often feel like they can't do anything right - like failures. So do you really think they would confess that they even failed at ending their own life? Think about it. That's just another thing they have to live with now.

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