Friday, September 29, 2006

Kids, Try This At Home

Question...if you purchase a Dell laptop and it arrives wrapped in a plastic cover, are you that stupid that you need a reminder in the form of a chocking symbol to tell you that you could suffocate if you place the plastic bag ontop of your head and suck in heavily? If you are that dumb to huff a plastic bag, are you really capable of operating the laptop it arrived in? Seriously.

And if we have to put this frightening/funny symbol on a plastic bag, why don't we have a cartoon drawing of a man slicing his wrists with cardboard? After all, the laptop is shipped in a big brown cardboard box. So why not put a wrist slashing doodle on the outside of the Dell shipping box? And since we are going to do that, how about we also sketch something up that shows a man stuffing his body cavities (nose, ears and other unspeakable places) with bits of Styrofoam taken from the packaging inserts? I'm sure that could lead to a case of S.H.C. - Spontaneous Human Combustion.

I don't know, these are just some things I pondered as I was opening up my new Inspiron E1705 and had to share my thoughts. I hope you found it enlightening. Some things that make you go hmm.

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