Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Women Trade-In Their Manola's For Razrs

Nearly ever girl I know is a borderline shopaholic. Women are obsessed with clothes, in particular, shoes. Women love shoes! Although diamonds are said to be a girl's best friend, I think shoes are a very close second. For some women, Manolo Blahnik and Jimmy Choo shoes are more coveted than, say diamond stud earrings. So could it be possible that a girl with a shoe shopping fetish could be persuaded to give up her most prized pair of heals for say...an iPod? Apparently a new study done by the folks on the Oxygen TV network say yes.

The survey found that 3 out of 4 women said they'd choose an HD-TV over a diamond solitaire necklace. Women preferred a top-of-the-line cell phone to designer shoes by a similar margin. And a little white iPod narrowly trumped a little black dress. These are among the results of the "Girls Gone Wired" (clever title if I do say so myself) survey that polled 1,400 women and 700 men. Ages ranged from 15 to 49 years old and was done to compare tech attitudes among the sexes. The findings suggest advertisers need to address a broad audience and not talk down to women. Advertisers are best served communicating lifestyle benefits of tech products by showing what's useful about them, rather than focusing on specifications. They discovered that are only subtle differences between the sexes, at least when it comes to their attitudes toward technology. As far as men being from Mars and women being from Venus...that still exists.

Women are much more tech savvy than they give themselves credit for. Dare I go as far to say that men and women are equally competent in the technology arena? Yeah, I'll say it. I was rather surprised to see my date whip out her new sleek and stylish pink Razr phone and be all excited about it. Clearly it was a move on her part to showoff, knowing what a tech whore I am. This coming from a girl that barely uses e-mail, but yet has a hotter phone than me. What's up with that? I feel like I'm left in the stone ages. Now I need to buy a BETTER Razr so I'm one up on my tech competition. I just won't be getting it in pink though. It would clash with my shoes.

Girl = 1
Boy = 0

Don't worry, I'll be back in the game in no time.

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