Friday, September 8, 2006

Anger Bar Allows Patrons To K.O. The Staff

If you are an angry drunk, I have the bar for you! Do you feel like bitch slapping the waitress when she spills your beer? Would you like to dropkick the bartender when he forgets the olive in your dirty martini? Or maybe the DJ won't play your request and you just want to beat him like an ugly stepchild. If this is the case, then you may want to head to eastern China where you will find a bar that actually allows patrons to beat the staff there within an inch of their life! Apparently the bar is a big hit - literally and figuratively speaking. Unlike most bars where you can "get down", The Rising Sun Anger Release Bar allows you to "beat down". It is said to be a novel way of attracting customers.

Once inside, customers smash glasses, rant and even hit specially trained workers. The owner, Wu Gong, says he was inspired to open the bar by his experiences as a migrant worker. Which from my understanding, equals out to alot of built up hostility and aggression needing to be released. The bar employs 20 men who have been given protective gear and physical training to prepare them for the job. Clients can ask the men to dress as the character they wish to attack - boss, bitter ex-girlfriend, etc.

Naturally, people are divided on the idea of the bar. On one hand some say that pressure in today's society comes from just about everywhere and having a place to vent anger is a good thing. While others say that violence is not the answer. If people really feel that angry, they should adjust their lifestyles or seek psychological treatment. I tend to agree with the later statement. Although, the idea of beating someone decorated as the person you despise does seems attractive. I'm thinking this is a place were drunken sailors could unite.

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