Friday, September 1, 2006

I Refuse To Labor This Labor Day Weekend

Every Labor Day weekend growing up, I was called to duty. The annual "closing of the family pool". The annual "sealing of the driveway". The annual "insert chore here". My sisters managed to squeeze by the call of duty. A slick move on their part that I despised. But me, being the youngest and perhaps the least slyest, I was stuck doing chores when everyone else was enjoying the final weekend of summer. Now that I'm grown, I refuse to labor this Labor Day weekend. I'm finally putting my foot a flip-flop, in the sand.

This Labor Day weekend, I will do whatever MY little heart desires. I will eat. I will drink. I will sleep. I will have my fun. I will not labor. Sorry Dad, this year you're on your own.

Your Ungrateful and Selfish Son. :)

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