Thursday, August 31, 2006

Can I "Buy" You A Drink?

I do this because I love you. You, my loyal blog readers. And if you don't read this post on the day it was posted, well then you aren't loyal enough and you are going to miss out on the goodie giveaway. There may be no such things as a "free lunch", but there is such a thing as a free coffee! Yes, Starbucks is giving away free iced coffee. The promo is valid any day from noon to 9PM and runs until September 1st. Considering tomorrow is September 1st, that means you better act fast if you want to take advantage of this freebie! Acting fast, as in NOW! So run, don't walk to your nearest Starbucks and get yourself a little pallet quencher as we close out the dog days of summer. Click on the coupon below. Print it out, cut it out and take it in.

I know you are probably asking this real? The answer is yes, but whether or not it will actually be accepted at YOUR local Starbucks is still in question. This coupon originally circulated via e-mail and with many freebies, especially those distributed via e-mail, there is some suspicion to legitimacy. However it has been confirmed that this coupon was in fact sent out by Starbucks shops in the Southeast region of the Untied States on August 23. Now whether you can use this coupon in other regions of the U.S. is a mystery to me. A mystery because I don't drink coffee. Shocking, I know. Try and compose yourself.

Now for whatever reason if you are denied when you try to redeem this coupon, let me know and I'll spot you the measly $5 or whatever an iced coffee is going for these days. And if you are cute, I may even buy you lunch to go with it! And if you are really cute AND sweet, well then I want to buy you dinner as well. Let me know how it goes so I can figure out who I need to pencil into my schedule. You can plant a kiss on my cheek as a thank you - females only. If you are a dude, a handshake will suffice.

A pair of sharp eyes read the fine print and brought this to my attention...the coupon says it doesn't expire until Sept 30th! That means you have another month to get your free iced coffee from Starbucks. Enjoy.

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