Monday, August 28, 2006

A Chubby Chick's Dream - The Slender Camera

It's the digital camera that comes with the Slim-Fast setting, shaving inches/pounds and even a dress size off a person. If you have ever studied your holiday snaps and wished you'd lost a few pounds before hitting the beach, then this is the camera for you! The "slimcam setting" on the gadget uses high-tech digital trickery to cut weight off its subject. The camera is marketed toward women. I know, that's a sexist statement, but I didn't invent nor market it. So don't kill the messenger. The HP Photosmart R727 works by squeezing the picture in the middle, so the main object in focus looks thinner, but its surroundings are left unchanged. It is believed the setting on the camera could give women the appearance of having lost a dress size. I'm sure some women are liking the sound of that! Although I wouldn't mind if they added a "increase perky bust size" setting as well as the "add a J Lo booty" button to the cam also. But hey, that's just me.

The camera doesn't take off a ridiculous amount of weight, but just enough to make it look "believable", or so they say. It's being sold in England right now for around 200 euros. I don't know who should be blamed or praised (depending on your opinion) for The Slender Camera - a man, a woman? Is this digital cam deceitful? Yes, but so is plastic surgery, like lipo or breast implants...and that's alot more pricey! Perhaps we will see another camera in the near future that gives bald men the appearance of having a full head of hair? Or how about making an ugly person beautiful (an alternative to beer goggles)? A poor man rich? Or turn a bastard into a swell guy, a bitch into a breath of fresh air? Of course this is very superficial, but would make one hell of a camera!

Those who airbrush models for a living, you may soon be looking for a new job.

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