Thursday, August 3, 2006

I Think I Just Threw-Up A Little In My Mouth

Look, I know it's hot out. Sweltering in fact. The heat hitting the east coast right now has reached triple digits! The humidity takes your breath away...and not in a good way. In that "I'm about to pass out, but before I complete this sentence I am face down on the pavement" kind of heat wave. It's even been too hot to blog. Yes, there is such a thing - I just invented that excuse. The rising temp has sucked out my creative writing juices. My words have become dehydrated. My brain is fried and my pen (er, keys) have melted. So as I crank up my iPod and listen to "Blister In The Sun", I leave you with a blog post of visual stimulation...or rather just straight nauseousness.

Amen to that!

(On a cooler note and hopefully less nauseating to you, I think I'll upload a pic or two from my "learning how to surf" days in Cali the other week. Perhaps the cool ocean breeze will waft in and dry that bead of sweat on your brow.)

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