Tuesday, August 15, 2006

WooHoo! A New Blogger Version Is Coming!

It's about time! Actually, I shouldn't talk because I've been procrastinating on overhauling my blog. However, it seems that all my laziness may of just paid off! Yes, Blogger.com is rolling out a new version of their software/service and they are finally giving Bloggers what we've been asking for. Things like...

  • Categorize your posts with labels. (Tags, something other blogging software/services have been offering for years.)
  • Control who can read your blog. (Stalkers will surely disapprove...and if you've been a reader of my blog for sometime, then you know how badly I needed/still need this feature.)
  • Easily change the appearance and content of your blog with the click of your mouse, rather than manual HTML coding. (It doesn't take a rocket science to write HTML code, but easier is always better for those that are tech-challenged.)

The new version of Blogger is still in the beta testing phase - that means it's not yet fully complete and released to the public. Although, you can help with the building process by giving your feedback on what features you like, dislike and what you would like to see added or taken out of the next version. A virtual tour has been setup to showcase many of the new things you can do. Consider it your "sneak peak" at the future.

Blogger.com is limiting the number of people who can switch over. (You'll see a link on your Blogger dashboard when you are able to move.) Of course, eventually, everyone will be able to transition their blogs to the new version. If you can't wait, you can create a new account to access the Blogger Beta version. I'll keep you posted when new information becomes available, but for now, try it out and give the folks at Blogger some feedback via the Blogger Help Group or feedback form.

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