Thursday, August 10, 2006

Anyone Want To See Hillary Nude? No? Me Neither.

A naked sculpture of Senator Hillary Clinton was unveiled on Wednesday at New York's Museum of Sex (which I'm marking on my NY To-Do List, visit Sex Museum, but not to see Hillary). Sculptor Daniel Edwards hopes the piece will spark discussion about sex, politics and celebrities. You may remember Edwards. He's the artist who also created a life-size nude of Britney Spears giving birth on a bear-skin rug. Classy, huh? I did a post on it a few months back...

04/04/06 Statue Of Britney Butt Naked On Bearskin (Giving Birth)

Shown here, the sculpture and the artist, Daniel Edwards.
He claims to have been inspired to make the piece after
actress Sharon Stone said Clinton could never be president
because she is a sexual being. (try not to toss your cookies)

This time around, Edwards wanted to capture Hillary's age and femininity in a sculpture. Hmm. Isn't she old and not very femine? At least she was the last time I saw her. I know that sounds mean, but it's true. Edwards said his work features a soft "presidential smile" and wrinkles framing her eyes. A floral pattern runs across her breasts, part of Edwards' effort to present Clinton as a woman - not a covered up person, but as a woman. When asked to comment on his work, Edwards states "I didn't want to give her a face lift or change her age. The key was to reveal her chest a little bit. She usually covers herself up, but I don't think that's necessary."

I however tend to disagree. I want this woman covered up, fully clothed to the extreme. I think Hillary should wear 2 turtlenecks, unfolded and a giant fully zipped-up parka in August. Might as well throw on a nice thick wool scarf while she's at it. Wrap it twice please.

She's not even a "sexual being" to her husband! But that's beside the point. Clinton's office had no immediate comment on the sculpture. And neither do I. I do however have a nauseating feeling in the pit of my stomach right now.

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