Friday, August 4, 2006

Defcon 14 & BlackHat 2006 Conventions

No, I didn't forget. I'm just late on posting about this...Defcon 14 kicks off today! It runs from August 4-6 in Las Vegas. Also BlackHat 2006 is taking place this weekend in Sin City as well. For hackers and security experts, you know these 2 events well. For those not familiar, educate yourself by reading 2 posts I did last year on Defcon 13 & BlackHat 2005.

Thanks to "Dark Tangent" of who linked to me in his Defcon Media Coverage section. You can find the link to me by visiting There you will see my blog linked as...

Confrence Overview - Blogs
Blog for DIAMONDKT - Blog by attendee - extensive length

I'll do a Wrap-Up Coverage post in the near future for this year's Defon & BlackHat conventions.

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