Wednesday, August 30, 2006

It's In The Horse's Lean

If you lean on a horse, it leans on you right back. The weight you give up is comperable to the weight you take on. I can't think of another creature in this universe that does this...aside from the human being. But not all humans allow you to lean. Some will lean on you and when you try to lean back, you find yourself face down in the dirt. Where is my horse? The security of the lean. It's comforting. It's kind. It's patient. It always understands. It always protects. It's always there. It is not self-seeking, but rather self-helping. It is not a special invite, but rather an open invitation. It's there when you need it most. It's lingering around even when you don't. It's the answer when a question isn't asked. It's the ending when the saga isn't over just yet. It holds your head and has your back. It takes your hand and guides you thru. It's the light in the dark and the rainbow after the rain. It's the moment breathing becomes a little easier, despite the weight of a horse's lean.

Growing up, I loved animals and my parents were afraid that I would ask to have a horse. My father had several horses as a child, but to me, a horse was not something I ever desired. Today, I desire a "horse". At least I desire the lean. Everyday my life is consumed by one word - security. For me, it means many things. Aside from the computer related association with the term, the word "security" got me to thinking. What am I looking for? I think I am looking for something that everyone is looking for. Something that everyone wants. Something that sounds simple to say, but not as simple to find. Emotional security. Freedom from care, anxiety or doubt. A well-founded confidence.

Many people worry about financial security, job security and even personal security. But despite these troubles on the minds of millions, I don't think it's what really ails us. I think it's emotional security that scares us the most. Being alone. Emotional security, perhaps the most difficult one to obtain and preserve. Everyone wants it, but not everyone seems to get it. What if we can't obtain it? And what if we are lucky enough to obtain it, but we somehow lose it? Then what? Would you panic and search for a new horse to lean on? Or could you buck-up and carry on like a brave cowboy, despite missing your horse?

Could emotional security and the lean of a horse somehow be related? And then tangled up in the fantasy of a girl being swept away by her prince charming...riding a horse! Yes, I think there is a reason that fantasy was dreamt up. The reasons is in the lean. Reassurance that a promise will be fulfilled. A guarantee that an obligation will be met. A contract written in the heart and sealed with a kiss. He rides in bringing her emotional security. They ride off (safely) into the sunset...or so the fairytale goes.

(Side Note: Remember, if you fall off a horse, you get right back up and ride.)

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