Wednesday, September 6, 2006

Taller = Smarter AND Richer

I usually categorize these news articles under the "Stupid Studies" section on my blog. However, this study is not stupid. It's genius! Genius to me because at 6'1, I would be classified as being on the tall side. So if this study is true, and they claim it is, then this is very good news for me. Like it or not, it's been proven that attractive people earn more than average looking Joes. And even though it's 2006, women still earn less than a man for the same work. Unfair, yes, but proven true. So here is just one more "fact" that is sure to get some people's panties in a bind.

It is well-documented that short people earn less money than tall people do. If you compare two large groups of people who are similar in every respect but height, the average pay for the taller group will be higher. The study finds that tall people earn more on average because they're smarter, on average. Ooooo! Even at age 5, a variety of intelligence measures (based on conceptual maturity, visual-motor coordination and vocabulary) are higher on average for taller kids.

Maybe this just makes it easier to step on the little people as you make your way up the corporate ladder? Of course you can always advance your career the old fashion way...sleeping your way to the top. Remember, it's not who you know, but who you blow. And when you are short, you don't even have to get on your knees to get the job done! Oh the irony.

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