Monday, October 2, 2006

The Booty Call Surprise

I'm not sure of the origin on "The Booty Call", but if I were to take a guess, it started in the 90s. And according to Wikipedia, the be all/end all accurate information resource via the Internet (obviously that is sarcasm), I would be correct in my guesstimate. Let me break it down for you, Wiki-Wiki-Wikipedia-style, for those of you not in the know. (FYI, I moonlight as a wiki-wiki-wack record scratchier. That was a taste of my flava. I know you're impressed.)

A booty call is a telephone call or visitation made with the sole intent of engaging in sex with the person being contacted. In most instances, a booty call is made when the prospect of a traditional romantic date is highly unlikely (example: late in the evening, after midnight or in the pre-dawn hours), thus making it obvious that the intent of the call is for the sole purpose of obtaining and engaging in sexual intercourse. It has been adapted into mainstream American society and is used to request sexual favors by calling an acquaintance that may or may not be romantically linked to the caller. Although traditionally the telephone is used for a booty call, the last ten years have seen the rise of IM, chat, e-mail, and text message booty calling.

It's Friday night and I'm out having a good time. My cell phone beeps. Incoming text message. I open it up and read "where r u?" I reply with "why". She responds back asking "wanna come over?" Despite the fact that I'm a little buzzed, I understand what she's asking, very clearly. It's after midnight and she wants me to come over. Taking into consideration I've never dated her nor slept with her, she has made her crush on me no secret for the last month or two. I'm also well aware of her feelings on the whole "fuck buddy" scenario and she's told me that she doesn't want me to play that role, but instead be open to perhaps playing a more significant role. One which would require the actual know, that thing called dating that alot of people seem to skip right over these days. In very crass terms, they would call this booty without the bill.

So I'm either very sweet or very stupid for turning this booty call down. Knowing what I know about her, her feelings on the whole one-night stand situation, I couldn't justify the act. I'm sure it would have been fun, but I think she would have awoke the next morning with mixed emotions. I feel it wasn't really about the sex. I'm not sure that's exactly what she really wanted. I feel that she wanted someone there. Someone just to be.

Last night, she contacts me again in a similar fashion. This time she claims "something is up my chimney". She thinks it's a bat! She seems to be hinting around for me to come over and take care of it. Take care of the bat...or take care of her? Was this just a cheap ploy at disguising yet another booty call request? Half of me thinks it was, but the other half of me feels it was just another request for me to "just be".

Perhaps I missed my window of opportunity for a no strings attached lay. Maybe it flew out the window with the bat, which by the way, turned out to actually be just a mouse. Sometimes sexual connotations and innuendoes are not about sex at all. They are masked words asking someone to come over...just to be.

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