Wednesday, February 1, 2006

Inspire Me

Since 2006 has kicked off, I've been searching for a little inspiration in certain areas of my life. Even on my blog, I sometimes search for inspiration. Something that inspires me to write, something that moves me enough to bother posting about. I like it when my mind is challenged and I love it when the challenge is brought on by the inspiration of another. Inspire me and you've caught my attention. Continue to inspire me...or better yet, inspire total strangers in this world...and you will not only capture my full attention, but you will hold it for a lifetime. That is when I develop a deep interest. In my eyes, that is when the depth of a person begins to shine thru and intensifies. I'm inspired by another's courage, pain, happiness, sadness, success, triumphs, failures, their strengths and even their weaknesses. Not to sound cliché, but it's the good, the bad and the ugly that are inspiring in life.

Lately, I seem to be lacking outside inspiration from other people. Therefore, I need to find that inspiration within myself. It can be a difficult challenge sometimes to fuel my drive and keep me going from day to day. Although I will dig down and pull up past inspirations of mine or of others and allow those moments to grip me. I will once again breathe in that period of time when I felt inspired, motivated and eagerly accepted a challenge no matter how big or how small. A single breath can bring a new awakening to a new day. I will hold onto the people, places, things and moments in life that have given me inspiration. It will be like inhaling and never exhaling. To never let go of what gives your life, life.

I don't think I am going to do those "1st of the month wrap-ups" anymore on my blog. You may recall that I use to sum up the previous month's posts in one single post on the first day of each new month. It's become too time consuming to do that. Plus I'm bored doing it and frankly, I don't feel inspired to do it anymore. Instead I am going to leave everyone with 2 posts from January that seem to of made people think and even inspired a few of you. I feel that inspiration comes in all different forms. If I've inspired just one person out there by sharing the story of the old man with the threadbare scarf and trembling hands, then I've done well. If I've inspired just one person out there by revealing some very personal things about myself with my 101 list, then I've done well. If I've inspired someone in this world in some way, anyway...then I've done great...and with that, the inspiration has come full circle. Inspiring someone inspires me.

01/19/06 1 Second Added To Your Life, What Will You Do With It?
01/23/06 101 Things You Didn't Know About Me

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