Monday, February 20, 2006

Title Unwritten, Blog Needs Defined

Today I call on a little help from my readers - some creative juice. Lately it's been sort of bothering me that I don't have a catchy name for my blog. "Blog for DIAMONDKT" is boring. It's unoriginal and I like to think of myself as anything but unoriginal. When I initially setup my blog, I did so partially out of boredom and my curiosity into the blog world. I created the account in early 2002, but I never wrote a single post until 3 years later. Now I post roughly 5 times a week and for the most part I'm pleased with things, except the blog title...and the design which I'll change one day. Obviously I didn't put much thought or effort back then in naming my blog. I was just filling in the blanks, the required Blogger bits of requested information. I went thru the motions without really defining the very project I was creating. It's now due time to define it.

I know what my blog is about. In a nutshell, it's "Tech News and Random Ramblings". However that is what it's "about". It doesn't really define it and that is what I need - a title, a label, a personal signature on it all. Something that sums up not only my website, but also me, the voice behind it. I'm not even sure why I'm struggling with a title here. I'm usually pretty creative, but for whatever reason, I can't seem to define my blog or myself. Perhaps that is a good thing.

The current title is generic and bland. It doesn't really say anything about who I am or what my blog contains. So please help me change it. I'm open to hearing any and all suggestions you may have. I'm hoping I get a good amount of feedback on this, something to work with. Even if all you can think of are a few keywords rather than the key phrase, I want to hear it. At least I could work with some keywords and put something together. I don't want to get desperate and use "Title Unwritten, Blog Needs Defined". Although right now it sounds catchy, well sort of, but not really. If I decide to use your suggestion, I'll name my first born after you to show my thanks and long as your name isn't Gertrude. Not a bad deal right?

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