Thursday, February 2, 2006

It's Official, I Suck
I'm like a vanilla cone, a brown paper bag, a colorless Crayon. What is wrong with me lately? I'm dull and boring. Uninteresting and bland. I'm just blah. I can't think of anything good to say to her and she isn't saying anything to me. I'm totally dropping the ball on this. She makes me nervous sometimes and I don't know why. This is so silly. This isn't like me. I'm usually cool, calm and collected. Being myself usually is a good thing and comes natural, but lately I feel being me isn't good enough. It's not cutting it. I need more. I need something.

Perhaps a magic trick will work. Should I pull some flowers out of my sleeve? Perhaps this is all just in my head and I need to relax. In fact, I know I need to relax. I feel like I'm 13 again trying to make a girl like me. This is pathetic.

(Just a small side note, I hope people don't read this and assume things. I'm not in love or anything and I don't have "the hots" for someone. Although I do have a slight case of "the warms". I'll leave it at that.)

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