Monday, February 6, 2006

Let The Rioting Begin, Steelers Win Super Bowl XL!
Super Bowl Sunday has come and gone. With that has come the championship to the city of Pittsburgh and gone is the Lombardy trophy dreams of the Seattle Seahawks. Hey, not everyone can be a winner in life. So better luck next year Seattle. As for my Steelers, I couldn't be more happy! When any city wins a championship game, there is always a huge celebration...and of course rioting. There is no exception here as the partying began immediately following the game with people pouring into the streets! The celebrating lasted well into this morning in Oakland, near the University of Pitt campus. Police were on the scene and the roads were closed to contain the party.

An emotonal Hines Ward was all smiles
as he was named Super Bowl MVP.

In all, no one was hurt, but 8 people were arrested. One victory celebration got a little out of control when a car was flipped over. Other fans celebrated the big win by setting a sofa on fire. The celebration also spilled into other areas of the city causing numerous roads to be blocked off. Around 11:30 PM, officers started appearing in riot gear and on horseback. However, the fans kept waving their Terrible Towels. I never really get the purpose of the looting, car tipping or setting random items on fire as a form of celebration. Then again, when people have that much alcohol in them, it sort of makes sense.

Other cities have experienced worse rioting, so as a precaution the city of Pittsburgh had put some measures into place prior to Sunday. Several schools inside the city had a scheduled 2 hour delay for Monday morning because everyone was expecting things to get a little crazy after the Sunday night game. In addition, fans were notified not to show up to the Pittsburgh International Airport on Monday, waiting to greet the team as they arrived back home. The airport is partially closed off to help keep things under control.

Let's put aside the ugly side of the rioting and focus on the good - the 5th championship ring! Finally, one for the thumb! It's been 10 years since the Steelers made a Super Bowl appearance and 26 years since they took the championship, but that all changed last night. Cower finally got to hand Dan Rooney the big prize and Jerome Bettis can close his career out on a high note. Most importantly, I can call this season a success from personal standpoint. Granted I sold my season tickets awhile back because I was afraid with traveling for work, that I wouldn't get much use of the passes. However, I did manage to attend about 3 games this year and as always, they were a blast! So hours of yelling at my TV on Sunday and Monday night games has paid off. All the beer, pizza and other junk food consumed during the games has paid off. I may of felt ill after drinking and eating all that junk, but that junk help cheer on the Black & Gold to ring #5. Therefore, I not only pat my football team on the back for a job well done, but myself as well. Without the fans, the NFL wouldn't exist.

Lastly, I am going to fool myself into believing and falsely taking credit for the "tips" I personally gave to Bill Cower earlier in the season. Yes, I'm going to name drop and say I got to hang out with "The Man" right at his house...well his driveway to be exact...back when the Steelers had a bye-week during the regular season. Yes, Coach Cower and I, along with a few friends, cracked a cold one and discussed Ward, Parker, Big Ben and others. It was a good time and defiantly one of the highlights I'll remember when I look back at this incredible Steelers season. Jerry Porter can talk all the smack he wants because there is a guy that backed it up...something Seattle can't say.

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