Thursday, February 23, 2006

I Can't Drive 55...Or Apparently 120 Either

Every guy reading this, prepare to be nauseated. No, I'm not going to show you nude pics of Rosie O'Donnell or anything that grotesque. Instead I have something that will make you sick to your stomach in a different sense. I'm sure you have a dream car. A car that more than likely the closest you will ever get to one is pleasuring yourself to it thru the pages of duPONT Registry - for those that don't know, that's a classified ad magazine dedicated to selling exotic sports cars. My dream car has always been a Ferrari. I make it my goal to own one, one day even if I have to sell the future wife and kids on eBay (kidding, sort of). It's just something about that Italian design. The Ferrari badge of excellence in high performance sports cars that makes me droll. So it's only natural when I see something like this (below), that my heart feels as if it's ripped out of my chest and my stomach turns.

So this is the front of the car. Where is the back of the car?

Ah yes, there is the back end. Ferrari's have the engine in the back,
so where is the missing engine?

Of course, there it is, waaay down the road on fire. Lovely/sickening.

Former Gizmondo executive Stefan Eriksson, who left the company under a cloud of allegations that he had links with the Swedish mafia, has been involved in a car crash which destroyed his $1 million Ferrari Enzo. The car was traveling at an estimated 120 mph on the Pacific Coast Highway in Malibu when it slammed into a power pole, leaving the vehicle sliced in two! Police believe the Ferrari was taking part in a illegal street race with an SLR Mercedes, worth around $500,000. Thanks to the Enzo's legendary safety system, Eriksson escaped with only minor injuries. Eriksson's blood alcohol level was over the limit, but he claimed that he was not behind the wheel at the time of the crash, stating that a German man called "Dietrich" was driving and fled the scene. A 3 hour search by the LAPD failed to locate him and are questioning whether or not "Dietrich" even exists or if it was Eriksson that was really behind the wheel. This is not the first time Eriksson has been involved in an expensive car crash. In 2002, he totaled a Porsche 996 GT3-RS in a race in Sweden.

Less than 400 Ferrari Enzo cars were ever made. The Ferrari community is mourning the loss of a vehicle which many describe as a work of art. He destroyed one of the finest cars on Earth, maybe the finest. It's like taking a Van Gogh painting and burning it! What I find interesting about all of this is that I've driven on PCH. It's a nice stretch of highway along the beach. I understand how hard it is to resist putting the pedal to the medal and tempting fate, especially behind something with over 600hp! That car is a beast! The closest I can come to owning a Ferrari right now is taking my Ducati out for a spin - Italian sports bike with a Testarossa engine at a fraction of the price. Of course what I don't understand is how this guy can't keep a car like the Enzo on the road? I can keep two wheels on the ground at 120, he has 4 wheels and he slams into a pole? He better of been drunk, that's all I can say.

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