Wednesday, February 22, 2006

When Money Talks, Even A Baby Listens

There is a saying..."a day late and a dollar short". Well if that saying is true, then perhaps today I should rewrite it to read "3 days late and a dollar short" because apparently I missed President's Day. I know, I know, it's a HUGE holiday that is celebrated by throwing extravagant parties complete with powdered ponytail wigs, pumps, garter belts and churned butter. Wait, the churned butter might be from a different era? I don't know. History was never my best subject. Anyway, I could do without the powdered wigs, but I say we keep the pumps and garter belts in long as they are only worn by women of course. Seriously, I didn't even know Monday was President's Day until I discovered my morning commute was a little less hectic. Duh, half of American had work off. Well the half that didn't include me obviously. So in lue of the missed holiday, I'm going to take a moment to celebrate the good George, Abraham and Benny by pulling a trick from my sleeve...I mean wallet.

Behold! Your eyes are not deceiving you. What you are looking at (above) is a moblog photo taken back on Christmas Eve, during mass of all places. It's a shot of my jacket laying next to me. On top is my pre-mass entertainment show that I used to captivate my 2-year-old niece's attention and hold it for roughly 10 minutes. That alone is a feat in itself, getting a 2-year-old to sit on your lap well behaved and quiet for a full 10 minutes! It's a little folding trick, sort of similar to origami but done with a dollar bill. Now it may of looked cooler if I used a Benjamin like P Diddy, but I'm not dumb enough to hand a $100 bill to a baby. I mean I watched this kid eat a handful of sand not too long ago. God only knows how quickly she would of digested a $100. So my magic trick was done on a George Washington. Besides, it was my first time performing said act, so who cares if I ripped it in the process? It's just a dollar. I would live.

Now getting the sleeves creased is the tricky part, but popping the collar was a breeze. Don't worry, I'm going to link the instructions so you can perform the $2 Suit trick yourself. Yes, there are pants that go with the shirt. Unfortunately, I didn't have time to make the complete suit because my Mom was yelling at me to keep it down. Keep it down? I'm the one keeping this baby quiet. She gave me that stern look with the finger snap. You know how it works. I think Moms are taught that reprimanding technique immediately after the birthing process has completed. I guess I got yelled at when I was 2, 22 and I probably will still get scolded when I hit 32 one day. That's the job of a Mom, to constantly keep you in line. I'm forever 16 in her eyes.

Anyway, I suppose I did "keep it down" until the magic show ended and I presented my work to my niece. Her reaction..."oh wow, Mamma look, D!" That translates into...she's impressed, wants to show her Mom and she calls me D, telling everyone look what D made. I should mention that was the semi-quiet part. She then followed that up with a boisterous "YEAH" and clapping. I love that it takes so little to impress her. It makes me feel good to make her smile. Perhaps she was the pre-mass entertainment show instead of my $2 Suit trick. She seemed to attract enough attention and laughs for the evening. So now for the link so you can impress your co-workers, family, friends, niece or that creepy guy who is still wearing that powdered wig from Monday's party. How-To Instructions for The $2 Suit

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