Tuesday, February 7, 2006

Romance Does Not Come In A Box

Since it's February, Valentines Day is just around the corner. Guys if you are thinking of getting your girl one of those tacky 6 inch stuffed teddy bears that is holding a heart and says "I Can't Bear To Be Without You", then let me stop you. Don't get it. Seriously. Unless it's a "joke gift" which is part of her real gift, then put the teddy bear down. Walk away from the teddy bear. Come on, you can do better than that. You usually can't go wrong with standard items like flowers, chocolate or jewelry. However you must know your target audience and feel out the situation. For instance, if it's a girlfriend, take her to a nice bed & breakfast place or treat her to a spa day. If it's a girl you only sort of know or just started dating, then you should of been paying attention to her likes and dislikes so you can surprise her with something that is sure to swoon her. Lastly, if this is a first date and you know almost nothing about the girl, then why not break the ice with something silly, funny and cute - get one of those 2nd grade Valentine cutout cards and a box of those heart candies with the "hot 4 u" and other goofy sayings printed on them. If she has any sense of humor, she will appreciate the ice-breaker gift. I'm sure everyone has come across a box like this...

It promises to add spice to your love life, but I think there is no bigger gimmick than promising romance in a box. Bottom line, romance does not come in a box. I always see these types of things, but I think if you "need" this, then a few problems are at hand...

  1. You aren't creative and/or intelligent enough to think of things on your own.
  2. You shouldn't need someone to TELL YOU how to be romantic nor HAND YOU the tools needed to be romantic - where is the romance in that? It should come from the heart and not a game card.
  3. You may be a lazy and/or boring lover if all of these things are "new and exciting" to you to try. Get an imagination and a sense of adventure when it comes to not only sex, but also the daily romantic part of your relationship as well.

I could probably think of other reasons, but those 3 come to mind first and foremost. Relationships do take work sometimes, but romance should come easy to you. How can it not? All you have to do is what's in your heart, express how you feel. There is nothing more heartfelt and sincere than that. If the plain old dozen red roses is all that's in your heart, then I guess that is what you go with. Personally, I find that too cliché. I like to do things a little different, put a spin on that and mix it up. In the past I may of struggled from time to time when getting along with a woman, but I've never struggled with trying to romance her. Honestly, I feel the best part of dating or being in love is the romance. The best part of sex to me is the foreplay. I know you might not believe either one of those statements, but it's really true...at least for me it is.

You should not feel it is "work" to plan a nice date, setup a bubble bath with roses pedals and candles or just leave a sweet little note for her to find when you aren't around. I think a good lover is one who is creative all on his own. His imagination is full of fun things to try and he has no hesitation in trying them. His gestures should not be "by the book romance", but one that comes truly from the heart and is made special and unique for just that one woman who has his heart. Now the only catch is to find a woman worth such effort, who will appreciate and return the favors/gestures. THEN you will have a truly good relationship and sex life, one that won't need "spicing up" with some board game. But hey, if you like those games, then buy them. Those are just my thoughts on the whole thing.

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