Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Classic Thoughts For Life

In the last year or so I've seem to of developed a new way of looking at life. No matter how busy I get or how ugly things may seem that day, somehow I'm able to take a second to look around and appreciate the simple things in life. The little things we take for granted everyday. The unnoticed beauty. Like the sun rising, setting, the seasons changing, a bird singing or a baby laughing for the first time. Last night as I went to bed, outside my widow the snow was falling. The sky had this amazing red hue to it and when it reflected off the snow, everything looked pink. This morning as I woke up, outside that same window was a fresh blanket of white covering everything in sight. Somewhere under that heavy blanket, I'm able to see theses things. Things that the snow should of engulfed. Perhaps when life engulfs you, you too can lift the blanket and see all the unnoticed beauty that lies beneath. It's my classic thought for life.

Classic is defined as having lasting significance or worth. Enduring. Adhering or conforming to established standards and principles. Formal. Refined and restrained in style. Simple and harmonious. Elegant. A classic symbol. A classic movie. A classic song. Classic words. To remember. To live by. To define our world. To define my life.

"What A Wonderful World" by Louis Armstrong
I see trees of green, red roses too
I see 'em bloom, for me and for you
And I think to myself, what a wonderful world.

I see skies of blue, clouds of white
Bright blessed days, dark sacred nights
And I think to myself, what a wonderful world.

The colors of a rainbow, so pretty, in the sky
Are also on the faces, of people, going by
I see friends shaking hands, sayin', how do you do
They're really sayin', I love you.

I hear babies cry, I watch them grow
They’ll learn much more, than I’ll never know
And I think to myself, what a wonderful world.
Yes, I think to myself, what a wonderful world.


I have a small confession. When I wrote this post, I wasn't really feeling "wonderful" as my words may of led you to believe. I do in fact appreciate the small wonders in life and I am (for the most part) able to see the good even in the bad. However, because I didn't really feel all "wonderful" at the moment I sat down to write this, is the sentiment still just as beautiful or does it lose it's luster and turn to sh*t? I like to believe that the underlining meaning and it's significance holds true no matter what mood the writer was in when the thought poured out. So there you have it. It's not poetry, but it is reality.

Monday, February 27, 2006

Frat Boy Olympics, Don't Deny Yourself Gold

Sixteen days have come and gone and with that marks the closing ceremonies of the 2006 Winter Olympics last night in Italy. I use to really like the Olympics when I was a kid, but now something is missing. Gone are the soap opera saga days of two bitches battling it out on the ice, one smacking the other in the leg with a crow bar. Tonya Harding, what a classy act she is. Gone are the tear jerking moments (well it didn't make me misty eyed but maybe it did you) of little gymnast Kerri Strug hurting her ankle during a routine, but still sucking it up to perform, capturing the gold for the US. After, her coach scopes up all 80lbs of her in "proud Papa moment" fashion and carries her around in his arms like a wounded WWII amputee.

Gone are the days of Dan vs. Dave. You remember the two track and field stars that Reebok snatched up for an advertising campaign during the 90something Olympics. The pair was overly hyped and all the attention must of got into Dan's head because he choked when it came to the Olympic trials - failing to qualify for the US team and therefore never competing in the actual Olympic games. Gone is the repeating image of Olympic diver Greg Louganis smacking his head off the diving board and blood trickling into the water. It seemed like a big deal at the time, but it wasn't until a little later when the public found out that Louganis was not only gay, but hadn't informed the Olympic committee that he had AIDS that the media went crazy on him! I don't recall what year that took place, but I believe it was sometime in the 80s, a time when AIDS was still a new term and many people did not fully understand the disease. Finally, gone are the days of the original "Dream Team". Without a doubt they were the best basketball players the world would ever see grouped together for one common goal - to dominate every other country on the hardwood. Jordan, Magic, Bird, ahh I loved it!

I'm sure I'm missing other Olympic highlight moments, but those are just a few that come to my mind. Besides, my life doesn't really go further back than the 80s, so I wouldn't recall any athletes predating the mullet era. Feel free to travel back in time and reminisce on your own, but for the sake of this blog post, I'm going to end it there. In this years Olympic games we had one or two exciting moments...I guess. Ice-skaters slipping and cracking their face off the ice is always entertaining right? And what about the skeleton? That is some crazy shit! Those guys are flying 100mph face down with their front teeth just an inch above a sheet of ice! One small slipup and they are sure to be smiling like a pumpkin when they cross the finish line. Then there is curling...always stimulating entertainment. Hah. It's become the joke event to watch. I enjoyed David Letterman's nighly coverage on it. Now that all is said and done, it's Germany that comes out the winner, taking home 29 medals, 11 which are gold. The US comes in second with 25 medals, 9 which are gold. So yeah we suck and congrats to Germany.

Don't get sad and think the Olympics are only held every 2 years. That isn't entirely true. Olympic games can be held every day if you so desire! At home, in the office, in school, wherever and whenever. That's the beauty of the competitive Olympic spirit! Games like beer pong, paper wastebasket hoops or speed skating on a freshly mopped kitchen floor are always events being held. You just have to participate. Take for example 2 recent graduates from the University of Michigan. They bested 160 other teams to win a nationwide drinking game tournament. Jason Coben and Nick Velissaris won the first "World Series Of Beer Pong" earlier this month near Las Vegas. They split the $10,000 grand prize. In the game, players stand and try to toss a Ping Pong ball into cups that are partially filled with beer at the other end of a table. If a ball goes into a cup, the opponent is forced to drink the beer in the cup. Beer Pong began as a frat house-party game, but has made its way into bars that host tournaments. Critics say it encourages binge drinking. Well duh, that is the point. Binge drinking and college go hand-in-hand. You know, like casual clothes and casual sex. The two are the perfect mix in college.

Thinking back to my college days, I participated in many frat-like Olympic events. There was of course beer pong games, keg stand tournaments and lunch tray sledding. It was perhaps my finest event. The speed I could get on that silver tray was astonishing to the common onlooker. The trick was to smear a little butter or Crisco on the bottom of the tray to slick it up and then take it to the snow! Down the steepest campus hills we would journey. Completely asinine, but always fun. I just didn't understand why my face was never on the Wheaties box the next morning. Beer over Wheaties was "The Breakfast Of Champions" for this hung-over frat boy. Ahh, to reminisce of the good old Olympic days. It feels good, doesn't it?

Friday, February 24, 2006

Gay For A Day

Every boy grows up to be a man. Whether he grows up to be a "girly man" or a "manly man" or something in between, we can all agree on one thing...that part of growing is finding out who you are and who you aren't. Fair statement right? I'm not going to go off on some ramble about gays or anything like that. Honestly, I could care less if someone is gay. It's not affecting my life. So I say "so what, you're gay, big deal". Of course not everyone sees things the same way I do. Alot of guys are homophobic. I don't really believe that you "turn gay". I think you are born gay or straight. I feel it's not a matter of choice, but a matter of who you are. Your true self. Now with all that out of the way and if you know me at all, you know I'm not gay. I know I like chicks and not d*cks. Now if you feel you may be offended by a little gay humor, I suggest you stop reading at this point. For the rest of you, enjoy.

The following are warning signs that I could be gay. Then reasons why such a thought should be corrected in not only my mind, but the minds of others. At first glance these items appear to be laced with estrogen, but upon deeper reflection, it's sprinkled with just a hint of testosterone in all the right places. Did that last sentence make any sense? Probably not, but I thought it sounded cool and ghetto poetic when I wrote it. Yes, I just made-up the term "ghetto poetic". I'll let you use it if you want, but pay me my royalties - a finders fee for my creation/invention. I know, this post is getting really weird, but sit tight because it's only going to get stranger.

Listening to the song "Like A Virgin" performed live by Madonna, Christina Aguilera and Britney Spears.
Ok so you say only gay men listen to Madonna, Christina Aguilera and Britney Spears songs right? Normally I would agree with you, but not here. Remember the MTV Video Music Awards from a few years back, the one where Madonna and Britney shared a little French kiss on stage? If not, then here is a memory refresher. Yeah, I rest my case on why listening to that song does not make me gay. It makes me remember that hot moment! Nothing gay about two lesbians kissing...well not gay if you are the guy watching it. Of course the arousal was killed when Missy Elliott took the stage to wrap-up the song. Now I have nothing against her. I think she has some catchy ass songs, but come on now, gay or straight, nobody wants to hit that. Sorry. She's like a girl that is one of the guys. The type I would pick to run point in a pickup game of basketball. She could set me up for the alley-oop. Maybe she has mad hoop skills, but let's be real...she's a dude.

Keeping candles and an assortment of red and white wine on hand at all times.
Again, at first you may say that is girly. But wait, that is the point. It gets girls. Ahh, genius. Nothing gay about that right? Think about it. Candles and wine are always romantic. Women like that stuff and it makes them happy. If you can't make her happy, then I can assure you she is not going to want to kiss you or do anything with you. She will be as attracted to you as you are attracted to Missy Elliott. Now whether or not my next statement here is gay or not, I'm just going to come out and say it. I like wine and I like candles. Yeah, that's right. I'll admit it. Although, I like beer and gym socks too, so don't get all homophobic on me now.

My sister is jealous of my eyelashes.
I know, I know. This screams gay, but this is something I can't help. For whatever reason God gave me some full lashes. Puppy dog eyes as my Mom calls them, which that term alone makes me want to vomit, especially coming from my Mother! So my sister jokes that I could do a Maybelline commercial without having mascara on. To make matters worse, when she is around me, she has to compare my eyes to hers. What? We have another sister, go bug her about this stuff, not me. Gay. Gay. Gay.

I've watched chick flicks, without a chick making me watch!
This one is going to be hard for guys to swallow. A chick flick. Women love them. Men hate them. Together we will watch them. Why? To make her happy. See the pattern here? So now you are wondering what is my excuse for watching a chick flick without being pressured into doing so by a woman? Wait, it gets worse. Not just any chick flick, bad chick flicks. Movies like "The Wedding Planner", "Maid In Manhattan" and "Shall We Dance". Think, what do all of those bad chick flicks have in common? That's right - my JLo booty! I don't care if Jennifer Lopez can't act. I'm not watching it for the touching lines. I'm watching it for the droll factor. The girl is hot! And did I mention we are in love with one another? Yes, we are. Translation...watching chick flicks without a chick is gay...watching chick flicks for the sole purpose of staring at the hot actress, not gay.

After writing this post, today I think I will do something extremely manly and as far from gay as I can get. Something like walking around pounding my chest while grunting. It doesn't get more prehistoric caveman than that and women like a little cave in their man, right? Then when nobody is looking, I will go back to my somewhat meterosexual ways of picking out some nice clothes to wear - making the belt match the shoes, ect. Of course, I'm not like that everyday. I have those days were I have picked the shirt up off my bedroom floor and sniffed it to determine if it was wearable or not. Don't even lie! You know you have done the "whiff and wear test" too...well at least every heterosexual man has. I can't speak for women or the gay community.

Thursday, February 23, 2006

I Can't Drive 55...Or Apparently 120 Either

Every guy reading this, prepare to be nauseated. No, I'm not going to show you nude pics of Rosie O'Donnell or anything that grotesque. Instead I have something that will make you sick to your stomach in a different sense. I'm sure you have a dream car. A car that more than likely the closest you will ever get to one is pleasuring yourself to it thru the pages of duPONT Registry - for those that don't know, that's a classified ad magazine dedicated to selling exotic sports cars. My dream car has always been a Ferrari. I make it my goal to own one, one day even if I have to sell the future wife and kids on eBay (kidding, sort of). It's just something about that Italian design. The Ferrari badge of excellence in high performance sports cars that makes me droll. So it's only natural when I see something like this (below), that my heart feels as if it's ripped out of my chest and my stomach turns.

So this is the front of the car. Where is the back of the car?

Ah yes, there is the back end. Ferrari's have the engine in the back,
so where is the missing engine?

Of course, there it is, waaay down the road on fire. Lovely/sickening.

Former Gizmondo executive Stefan Eriksson, who left the company under a cloud of allegations that he had links with the Swedish mafia, has been involved in a car crash which destroyed his $1 million Ferrari Enzo. The car was traveling at an estimated 120 mph on the Pacific Coast Highway in Malibu when it slammed into a power pole, leaving the vehicle sliced in two! Police believe the Ferrari was taking part in a illegal street race with an SLR Mercedes, worth around $500,000. Thanks to the Enzo's legendary safety system, Eriksson escaped with only minor injuries. Eriksson's blood alcohol level was over the limit, but he claimed that he was not behind the wheel at the time of the crash, stating that a German man called "Dietrich" was driving and fled the scene. A 3 hour search by the LAPD failed to locate him and are questioning whether or not "Dietrich" even exists or if it was Eriksson that was really behind the wheel. This is not the first time Eriksson has been involved in an expensive car crash. In 2002, he totaled a Porsche 996 GT3-RS in a race in Sweden.

Less than 400 Ferrari Enzo cars were ever made. The Ferrari community is mourning the loss of a vehicle which many describe as a work of art. He destroyed one of the finest cars on Earth, maybe the finest. It's like taking a Van Gogh painting and burning it! What I find interesting about all of this is that I've driven on PCH. It's a nice stretch of highway along the beach. I understand how hard it is to resist putting the pedal to the medal and tempting fate, especially behind something with over 600hp! That car is a beast! The closest I can come to owning a Ferrari right now is taking my Ducati out for a spin - Italian sports bike with a Testarossa engine at a fraction of the price. Of course what I don't understand is how this guy can't keep a car like the Enzo on the road? I can keep two wheels on the ground at 120, he has 4 wheels and he slams into a pole? He better of been drunk, that's all I can say.

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

When Money Talks, Even A Baby Listens

There is a saying..."a day late and a dollar short". Well if that saying is true, then perhaps today I should rewrite it to read "3 days late and a dollar short" because apparently I missed President's Day. I know, I know, it's a HUGE holiday that is celebrated by throwing extravagant parties complete with powdered ponytail wigs, pumps, garter belts and churned butter. Wait, the churned butter might be from a different era? I don't know. History was never my best subject. Anyway, I could do without the powdered wigs, but I say we keep the pumps and garter belts in style...as long as they are only worn by women of course. Seriously, I didn't even know Monday was President's Day until I discovered my morning commute was a little less hectic. Duh, half of American had work off. Well the half that didn't include me obviously. So in lue of the missed holiday, I'm going to take a moment to celebrate the good George, Abraham and Benny by pulling a trick from my sleeve...I mean wallet.

Behold! Your eyes are not deceiving you. What you are looking at (above) is a moblog photo taken back on Christmas Eve, during mass of all places. It's a shot of my jacket laying next to me. On top is my pre-mass entertainment show that I used to captivate my 2-year-old niece's attention and hold it for roughly 10 minutes. That alone is a feat in itself, getting a 2-year-old to sit on your lap well behaved and quiet for a full 10 minutes! It's a little folding trick, sort of similar to origami but done with a dollar bill. Now it may of looked cooler if I used a Benjamin like P Diddy, but I'm not dumb enough to hand a $100 bill to a baby. I mean I watched this kid eat a handful of sand not too long ago. God only knows how quickly she would of digested a $100. So my magic trick was done on a George Washington. Besides, it was my first time performing said act, so who cares if I ripped it in the process? It's just a dollar. I would live.

Now getting the sleeves creased is the tricky part, but popping the collar was a breeze. Don't worry, I'm going to link the instructions so you can perform the $2 Suit trick yourself. Yes, there are pants that go with the shirt. Unfortunately, I didn't have time to make the complete suit because my Mom was yelling at me to keep it down. Keep it down? I'm the one keeping this baby quiet. She gave me that stern look with the finger snap. You know how it works. I think Moms are taught that reprimanding technique immediately after the birthing process has completed. I guess I got yelled at when I was 2, 22 and I probably will still get scolded when I hit 32 one day. That's the job of a Mom, to constantly keep you in line. I'm forever 16 in her eyes.

Anyway, I suppose I did "keep it down" until the magic show ended and I presented my work to my niece. Her reaction..."oh wow, Mamma look, D!" That translates into...she's impressed, wants to show her Mom and she calls me D, telling everyone look what D made. I should mention that was the semi-quiet part. She then followed that up with a boisterous "YEAH" and clapping. I love that it takes so little to impress her. It makes me feel good to make her smile. Perhaps she was the pre-mass entertainment show instead of my $2 Suit trick. She seemed to attract enough attention and laughs for the evening. So now for the link so you can impress your co-workers, family, friends, niece or that creepy guy who is still wearing that powdered wig from Monday's party. How-To Instructions for The $2 Suit

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

When Words Seem Generic

What is it about pain that produces the most beautiful writing? Someone who has never put more than 2 sentences together is able to write for a eulogy. A eulogy given with such a profound impact on those that hear it, that you wouldn't be surprised if the tears would flow as effortlessly down your own cheeks as the words flowed from his pen. Is it the longing of what was or what could of been? The struggle of how a different path could of been taken, producing different results? Maybe it's the lose itself and the overwhelming sadness and grief that is left behind? Or perhaps your anxiety, frustration and newly found fears consume you the most? Whatever it is, the overall emotional ache we feel in our own private hearts produces such a gift. When we are alone, more than any other time, is when the emotions flood in. A wave that washes over us. Some destine to swim. Others destine to drown. It is at that moment when he must of picked up his pen and put ink to paper.

It's when we are in seclusion that the masks are lifted from our faces. Eyes exposed for what they really are. Fake smiles disperse. It's the time when you hold your heart in your own hands because nobody else is there to hold it for you. The walls around you begin to fall and crumble as if they were made of clay. Nothing from this day forward will be concrete. The future is blurred even thru the driest eyes. For some this emotional roller coaster is too much and it pours out of them in the form of anger. Everyone knows it's not good to suppress things. They eat at you. A rawness inside that never seems to heal. It's only concealed...behind yet another mask. In the past I've prided myself on being a man of many masks. I refer to it as "clown face". I can put on a happy smile and add humor behind it to help those around me deal better. I'm sure part of me does it for my own needs as well. Maybe in the long run it's not the best idea, but for the time being, it seems to do the trick. It's like putting the f-u-n back in funeral, if such a thing exists.

Silence must be deafening because people can't seem to not speak. Something must be said. Surely I can find the words. Surely it will offer them some comfort. You are taught from an early age that it's the right thing to do. To say "I'm so sorry for your lose". To say "if there is anything I can do to help, please don't hesitate to ask". Phrases like these are proper, polite and what many consider the norm. However, I don't think they are helpful. Sometimes words are generic. They are just words. Although staged sounding, perhaps they are heartfelt. And maybe, just maybe they offer someone out there comfort? I don't know. They sound like recited lines to me. A group of words strung together that hold little weight. Instead they ring hollow. Empty and generic. I suppose during such a delicate time, I look for something more concrete. Something strong to hold onto or at least shield myself with.

Verbalized sympathies never seem to make a difference to me. I do in fact appreciate people's concern and kindness, but in a way, it doesn't help me. It doesn't aid in the healing process. It doesn't make things feel any less surreal. Their unnatural behavior only reminds me of the fact that there is a crisis going on around me. A crisis that however selfish it may sound, I want to ignore. I want to escape into another world. It may be a normal reaction to have, but in this world, it's unacceptable. An acceptable practice is to go thru the motions. Say your lines, even if you don't feel them. Put on a show. Finish the act. Then go home and take off that mask. Only then are you allowed to return to your true self. I should be given an award for the role I play. Nobody is asking me to play the part of the clown. But everyone is asking me to be in the show. No matter how staged or generic the words may be. Say them. Move up in the line. The next person follows. Like robots. Cold and generic. It goes so well with a black suit.

Monday, February 20, 2006

Title Unwritten, Blog Needs Defined

Today I call on a little help from my readers - some creative juice. Lately it's been sort of bothering me that I don't have a catchy name for my blog. "Blog for DIAMONDKT" is boring. It's unoriginal and I like to think of myself as anything but unoriginal. When I initially setup my blog, I did so partially out of boredom and my curiosity into the blog world. I created the account in early 2002, but I never wrote a single post until 3 years later. Now I post roughly 5 times a week and for the most part I'm pleased with things, except the blog title...and the design which I'll change one day. Obviously I didn't put much thought or effort back then in naming my blog. I was just filling in the blanks, the required Blogger bits of requested information. I went thru the motions without really defining the very project I was creating. It's now due time to define it.

I know what my blog is about. In a nutshell, it's "Tech News and Random Ramblings". However that is what it's "about". It doesn't really define it and that is what I need - a title, a label, a personal signature on it all. Something that sums up not only my website, but also me, the voice behind it. I'm not even sure why I'm struggling with a title here. I'm usually pretty creative, but for whatever reason, I can't seem to define my blog or myself. Perhaps that is a good thing.

The current title is generic and bland. It doesn't really say anything about who I am or what my blog contains. So please help me change it. I'm open to hearing any and all suggestions you may have. I'm hoping I get a good amount of feedback on this, something to work with. Even if all you can think of are a few keywords rather than the key phrase, I want to hear it. At least I could work with some keywords and put something together. I don't want to get desperate and use "Title Unwritten, Blog Needs Defined". Although right now it sounds catchy, well sort of, but not really. If I decide to use your suggestion, I'll name my first born after you to show my thanks and appreciation...as long as your name isn't Gertrude. Not a bad deal right?

Friday, February 17, 2006

ADD Suffers Flourish In A High Tech Career

First off, let me say that if you have Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD), then chances are you will not read this post. So perhaps someone who loves your hyper little head will read it on your behalf and pass the info down to you...that is if they can get you to sit still long enough to even listen. Now without getting into the whole debate over people (especially children) being wrongly diagnosed with ADD, I'm going to bring up an ADD related topic of another nature - ADD in the tech world. We are all aware that many kids are being medicated for a disease that they simply don't even have. Instead they have behavioral problems that could be and should be corrected thru discipline and time/priority scheduling. It's society's (mostly parents and teachers) way of dealing with unruly youth. Pop a pill and regain control of an out of control situation.

With all the negativity that surrounds ADD, I think it's time someone touches upon a positive aspect of having ADD. This should be a refreshing wakeup call to those who truly have the disease. Those with ADD have found a little hope in life when it comes to job seeking. In general, those who suffer with ADD struggle in the workplace because they simple can't stay focused and on task - a crucial component needed for most careers. When you are unable to handle taking directions and you are distracted more than a 2-year-old, I can see why those with ADD go from job to job or are simply unemployed. However, now there is good news! If you have ADD, research shows that you are best suited for a career in a high tech field. When I first heard this news, I thought "oh great, one day my hiring pool of engineers to pick from will be a bunch of guys that are literally bouncing off the walls". Sometimes it's hard enough to work with someone, but the last thing you want to do is have to babysit a grownup on the job.

Some believe ADD and the technology industry is a natural fit. The constant change of the high tech world can be stressful and troubling for some people, but it’s often stimulating and energizing for others, especially the ADDer. It's a great source of Dopamine hits. In some fields like high tech and marketing, the unique wiring of the ADD brain is a competitive advantage. Even artists and entrepreneurs can benefit from ADD. Many people only see the many problems associated with ADD, while many even avoid getting diagnosed for ADD. The delay in getting diagnosed is that some people portray it as an almost totally pathological condition and they view it as just a weakness. To put it into perspective, here is a list of some advantages of having ADD in the wired world to help people in the industry recognize and develop their ADD related strengths as well as managing their ADD challenges.

Since I don't have ADD, but I do work in the tech world
and I'm an entrepreneur, I am interested in
seeing how well I fit this check list.

1. The Ability To Hyperfocus - Hours of full engagement and concentration in a task, IF you find it interesting. You can get into the zone and be totally immersed in what you’re doing while the outside world disappears. (Check. When something sparks my interest, I'm definitely immersed in it. It's a passion. My focus doesn't waiver and time seems to fly by.)

2. Rapid Fire Mind - Your brain processes information at hyperspeed. You can do things in 30 minutes on a computer that might take other people hours. Downside, if you’re stuck with an old machine and not enough RAM you’ll be frustrated because it can’t keep up with the speed of your brain. (Check. I do get frustrated if man or machine can't keep up to speed with me when I'm "in a zone" and things are flowing.)

3. Multitasking At Will - Able to run 14 apps at a time and effortlessly switch between each without breaking a sweat. Able to do several projects at a time with ease. (Check. Some are amazed at the things I can do all at one. Being able to work on more than 1 task at a time is a must for my job. There just wouldn't be enough hours in the day to do each thing separately.)

4. High Energy Level - You’re able to keep going on a project if it’s interesting. ADDers are more into creative and entrepreneurial activities than clerical and repetitive ones. 14-hour days? No problem. Adrenaline is my fuel source. (Check. I'm like the Energizer Bunny! Sure I like my playtime, but if I need to work long hours to get something done, I'll do it without a problem. Repetition is my enemy. I would be bored to death in a data entry field. I need to mix it up.)

5. Highly Creative - Able to think outside the box. This comes naturally for ADDers, while others pay thousands of dollars to try and learn this. Since you take in more information than the average person, you’re more likely to view a problem from many different angles. Therefore you come up with more possible solutions to a problem making you an idea generator. (Check. Creativity is a friend of mine. I do things differently, there is no doubt about that. Many times when I share an idea, my perspective is very unique compared to others. Thinking beyond the box is a good thing.)

6. Quick Learner - ADD is mainly a condition of boredom, but you have no trouble paying attention to something if it’s interesting and you will learn fast. Your rapid fire brain + highly creative mind + the ability to hyperfocus equals fast absorption of new information quickly. (Check. Much of what I know is self taught. It's because I wanted to learn, that I had a passion for the information that I took it upon myself to indulge in that area. I consider a successful day to be one that I've learned something.)

7. Stimulus Seeking Brain - A perfect match for the wired world, an under stimulated brain and an over stimulated virtual environment. Being an info junkie can be a good thing. (Check. I had to laugh when I read this. I am an info junkie, sometimes to the extreme which isn't always good. I am guilty of keeping tabs on the latest tech headlines, sometimes to the point of a mild OCD. Technology changes so much that you almost have to stay on top of it like that in order to stay competitive.)

8. Constantly Scanning Your Environment - Allows you to notice more, find information and resource that others miss. Also allows you to see possible problems before they arise and opportunities that others may not see because they have tunnel vision. (Check. I do pick up on things others oversee, giving attention to details.)

9. Great In A Crisis - High energy intense situation? Lots of chaos and change? Sign me up. I thrive on stimulation. We can create order from chaos effortlessly. (Check. I believe one of the reasons I was hired for a government contract is due to the fact that I can keep cool under pressure. When the stakes are high, I can step up my game. It definitely can get intense and you feel the pressure, but that is part of the rush - the high.)

10. Risk Taker - Impulsivity means you’re more willing to take risks and have a bias for action, act now while the opportunity is hot instead of getting into analysis paralysis. Imagine how successful a high tech CEO would be if they didn't take many risks. (Check. If I didn't feel comfortable in taking risks, I would of never went into business for myself. I would never venture out into other avenues as a source of added income. I would never try my hand at anything other than the safe bet. To me that wouldn't be living and that's not the life for me.)

So I'm a little surprised I check off on ALL of these. I suppose I landed myself in the right field. ADD or no ADD, high tech is where I should be.

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Zen. How To Get Smarter, One Breath At A Time

Ever wish you could just wakeup one day and be smarter than you were the previous day? I'm not just talking about starting fresh, like forgetting stupid things you did the prior day and making today better. I'm talking about actually being smarter - IQ points smarter! Think it can happen? Well some scientists are finding that meditation not only reduces stress, but also reshapes the brain...actually making you smarter, one breath at a time. It's been proven that yoga helps improve the body and soul, strengthening and rejuvenating it, but now there is talk that this form of meditation also increases intelligence. You may not turn into Einstein overnight, but keep inhaling and exhaling deeply and you may find yourself with the edge over your peers...or you may just end up passing out if you don't do this right. Zen - it's beautiful.

At 4:30, when most of Wall Street is winding down, Walter Zimmermann begins a high-stakes, high-wire act conducted live before a paying audience. About 200 institutional investors shell out up to $3,000 a month to catch his daily webcast on the volatile energy markets, a performance that can move hundreds of millions of dollars. As Zimmermann clicks through dozens of screens and graphics on three computers, he's the picture of focused calm. He's not stressed to the max ready to explode at the slightest snag, instead he is at ease. There is peace within the 54-year-old Zimmermann. An inner peace that developed after watching most of his peers in energy futures burn out long ago. Burnout happens to the best of us and in this fast paced world, some will argue "who has time to breathe"? Zimmerman finds/makes the time and he swears by it, claiming it not only calms him but also makes him smarter!

He attributes his brain's enduring sharpness not to an intravenous espresso drip, but to 40 minutes of meditation each morning and evening. He says the practice helps him maintain the clarity he needs for quick, insightful analysis...even approaching happy hour. Meditation is his secret weapon. One recent study found evidence that the daily practice of meditation thickened the parts of the brain's cerebral cortex responsible for decision making, attention and memory. Preliminary results show that the gray matter of 20 men and women who meditated for just 40 minutes a day was thicker than that of people who did not. Unlike in previous studies focusing on Buddhist monks, the subjects were Boston-area workers practicing a Western-style of meditation called "mindfulness or insight meditation". It's a form of meditation that involves focusing on an image or sound or on one's breathing. Though deceptively simple, the practice seems to exercise the parts of the brain that help us pay attention.

Everyone around the water cooler knows that meditation reduces stress. However, with the aid of advanced brain scanning technology, researchers are beginning to show that meditation directly affects the function and structure of the brain, changing it in ways that appear to increase attention span, sharpen focus and improve memory. Meditation slows the natural thinning of that section of the cortex that occurs with age. In addition, meditation is also linked to preventing stress-related illness and helps regulate emotions, which in turn helps people get along. Yes, Zen can exist in this fast paced world. One of the most important domains meditation acts upon is emotional intelligence - a set of skills far more consequential for life success than cognitive intelligence. So for a New Year's resolution that can pay big dividends at home and at the office, try this: just breathe.

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Best Of Bottie 2005 CD, Free Download

I've never really made it a secret that I'm a huge music fan of just about every genre. Name a tune, new or old, and chances are I know what song you are referring to. From Sinatra to Pink Floyd, to John Mayer, to Linkin Park, to Nirvana, to Lenny Kravitz, to Marilyn Manson, to Missy Elliot, to 2Pac and everything and anything just about in-between. I can appreciate and enjoy it all. At one point when I was growing up, I thought it would be cool to work as a DJ. That way I could be surrounded by an endless stack of music right at my fingertips. Thru my entire day, I have music playing. Whether it be when my alarm goes off, when I'm getting ready for work in the morning, on my drive in, at work, at the gym...it's all around me and that's how I like it. Sometimes I feel I couldn't work as well if I didn't have that background noise. It's one of my necessities in life. Take your food, water and air...just give me music and I'll survive.

Download "Best Of Bootie 2005" For Free Here!

I can't imagine not being able to hear. Sometimes I wonder if I had to choose between the power of sight or the power or hearing, which I would choose. (Hmm, that might be a worthy topic to dig into for a future blog post.) Usually I'm not a big fan of the mixed and mashed-up music scene. It's ok in a club, as long as the DJ is good and has a keen ear for picking out the right beats to mix. However, there are far too many DJs that think putting together a badass mix is where you force 2 or more songs to mesh together that just can't coexist no matter how you slow down or mix up the beat - it just doesn't flow. Then there are some DJs that have a talent for this type of thing. I can't put my finger on what it is that makes a mixed or mashed-up song flow, it's just something some DJs have and some don't.

You may recall awhile back that there was a huge stir on the web when 2 free mash-up CDs were released online. They invited people to download the complete album in MP3 format for free, days and even weeks before the original artist had released their album in stores. A guy named "DJ Danger Mouse" did a mash-up on Jay Z's "The Black Album", renaming it "The Grey Album". It was the first of it's kind and the day it hit the net on February 24, 2004 was referred to as "Grey Tuesday". Of course the RIAA shut the site down, but the album is still available all over then net and on various P2P clients. It's also one of my favorite CDs.

Next to follow was a guy named "DJ Dean Gray". He did a mash-up on Green Day's "American Idiot", renaming it "American Edit". The day that CD hit the web was Tuesday, December 13, 2005 which of course was called "Gray Tuesday". Green Day had a fit about it considering their album had not hit store shelves yet. So once again the RIAA stepped in and shut down the downloading frenzy. It too is still available thru various websites and on P2P.

Finally we come to a non-illegal downloadable CD, which is also free and pretty damn catchy if I do say so myself. It's called "Best Of Bottie 2005" and it's a best of CD compiled by various DJs who play throughout some of the bigger known clubs in LA, SF and NY. So you didn't think you could mix Gwen Stefani vs. Snoop Dogg vs. ZZ Top? How about mixing The Beatles vs. Black-Eyed Peas vs. Ludacris vs. Kelis? Ahh, but you can and it sounds good too. You don't have to take my word for it, go ahead and download the 20 songs from the album complete with artwork. Then burn that to CD or drop it into your iPod playlist and enjoy!

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

A Virtual Hug (+butt caress) From Your Valentine

Since today is Valentine's Day, it's only right I show a little love. Cupid has struck me even in bloggyland (yes I just made that term up). Therefore my Valentine's gift to all of you is a virtual hug! It's a little silly and perhaps even a little "gay". However, please keep in mind that this virtual hug, although digitally warm and somewhat creepy considering many of you reading this I don't personally know, it's well advised you just accept my heartfelt gesture with a big smile. It's for those of you who stop by my little corner of the web to see what I'm rambling about on any given day. For those of you that leave me a kind comment or join me in a laugh. It's especially for those of you cute and single women (and you know who you are) that say hello to me and make my day a little happier.

Without you I would have to pull that ball cap you see me wearing (there to your right) over my eyes to hide the salty tears. The tears that would flow, streaming down my face if you didn't recipicate a little blog love...or at the very least, blow me a kiss. So come on now. You don't want to see a grown man cry - show a little love. It's Valentine's Day after all. I would also accept a kiss on the cheek or if you just wanted to jump my bones and make-out, I would be ok with that too. You see, I'm an open person and very accepting of affection...as long as it's not from dudes. Speaking of which, let my clarify something.

Although this virtual hug goes out to everyone, there is something you should be aware of. If you are a dude, the hug will come in the form of a firm handshake or manly pat on the back. If you are a dude and I know you in "real life", then you may get the "one shoulder 2 back pats hug". It's a basketball thing, you know what I mean. Your hips are to be as far away as possible and it's very nonsexual or threatening. Now as far as women, the cuter the girl, the better the hug she gets. Discrimination against unattractive women? Well maybe and I'm sorry, but I'm being realistic here. I promise not to cop a butt feel, you know where my hands "accidentally" drop from the middle of your back to just above your buttocks. I can be a perfect gentleman. Of course, if you would give me the green light to do so, then I would proceed with that hug+butt caress...again, for only certain women. Now you may think I'm joking when I talk about virtual hugs, but there is such a thing. Scary huh?

In Singapore scientists looking for ways to transmit the sense of touch over the Internet have devised a vibration jacket for chickens and are thinking about electronic children's pajamas for cyberspace hugs! A wireless jacket for chickens or other pets can be controlled with a computer and gives the animal the feeling of being touched by its owner. (Anyone scared yet besides me? And how about some Vibrating PJs for adults? I know you were thinking about it too.) The next step would be to use the same concept to transmit hugs over the Internet. One scientist justifies his research by saying this..."These days, parents go on a lot of business trips, but with children, hugging and touching are very important. We are thinking of a pajama suit for children, which would use the Internet to adjust changes in pressure and temperature to simulate the feeling of being hugged. Parents wearing a similar suit could be hugged back by their children". Rrright. A mentally unstable generation leading the world one day, just what we needed. Thanks Vibrating PJs!

Monday, February 13, 2006

The Weather Outside Is Frightful, But The Fire Is So Delightful

Since I don't have anything riveting to post about today, let's talk about the weather. Wait, don't run away! Here, sit down on this bench next to me. I'll even brush you off a seat so your bottom doesn't freeze. I know the topic sounds boring, but I'll do my best to spice it up. Actually I was just going to let some photos speak for themselves, but Blogger seems to hate me today and I'm having trouble uploading the images. So instead, let me state the obvious. The East Coast was hit by a blizzard this weekend. It dropped over a foot of snow around the NY and DC area. Then the storm made it's way to my house. Now for a visual...

A shot of the NY snowfall, I believe Central Park.

I was actually looking forward to some fresh powder because ski slope conditions have been anything but ideal. Unfortunately, I only saw about an inch of snow outside my door. Some will think I'm crazy for complaining about that because they spent the better half of their weekend shoveling and scrapping their way down the street. I for one enjoy the seasons and whatever weather each season brings. So before anyone complains about the weather, let's all be thankful we don't live in Versoix, Switzerland because you would need a jackhammer to chisel your way out of the ice storm that hit there recently! You must check out these incredible photos to see what I'm talking about.

This has been an usually warm winter, even in the mountains, the majority of the snow is being manmade. Last night I watched US snowboarder Shaun White win the gold in men's half pipe (if you've been in hibernation, the Winter Olympics have begun). As I laid in front of the fireplace watching the world's top snowboarders rip it up, I wished that I could trade-in the crackle of the wood burning in my living room for the swoosh of my snowboard's back edge carving the snow in Italy. What a life - getting paid to snowboard. Maybe if there really is such a thing as reincarnation, coming back as something/someone else in your second life, than I would like to be a professional snowboarder. Either that or I would settle for being Jennifer Lopez's boy toy. Hey, I'm not picky - snowboarding or JLo. Both sound like heaven to me!

See, a blog post about the weather isn't that boring after all right? Now you can go back to sitting in silence, listening to the snowfall. Seriously, I like doing that. Especially at night - it's peaceful and yes, there is a calming noise that comes with each dropping snowflake.

Friday, February 10, 2006


I spoke to her father today, our first encounter of the new year. It's never uncomfortable. He's my attorney for work so I see him on a somewhat regular basis. He helps me compose and signoff on contracts for my business clients. He's a good lawyer, always offering to work pro bono for me. I have to refuse. Everyone needs to make a living. He should be paid for his work. He's a good man, a good husband and a great father. A father to an only child, a daughter who happen to be my first love back in college. He hands me a pen and instructs me to sign here, finalizing a deal. In mid signature swoop, he catches me off guard saying..."You know, she asks about you, how you are, if things are well." I keep vague contact with her these days. So I shouldn't really be surprised by those words. It sounds like polite conversation, friendly concern. For some reason I'm distracted, too distracted to finish my signature. It's hard to pick up where you left off, the signature that is. Or maybe I mean...no, that's not it. I'm over her. I don't just tell myself that. I honestly feel it. I know it to be true.

I glance away from the dotted line in front of me, but I don't make eye contact with him. He's holding down the top edge of the paper for me. I stare at his crisp white shirt complete with silver cuff links. The man is always dressed to kill. I suppose being one of the best lawyers in the country will help one's wardrobe attire. I have mixed emotions to what he just told me. I don't want to send the wrong message when I don't even know what the messages in my head are telling me. I remain emotionless. I'm detached from the idle chit-chat and focused on the reason why I stopped by to see him - for business. I want to remain distant, but not cold. I need to say something. Surely he has noticed me pause. I reply with a simple..."She's doing well too I assume?" I form it like a question. I do hope she is doing well. I do hope she is happy. There are those "I do's" again, haunting me.

My pockets weren't deep that day. The day I invested the better half of the money I had been quietly saving. Earnings from my post college career, my rookie year out in the real world. I was about to make a huge purchase, a shiny diamond ring she was sure to adore. A clear stone I could look into and see myself taking the plunge, holding her hand by my side. A diamond free of any imperfections, the same way I saw her. Mounted on a perfect unbroken circle of platinum, that without doubt, would please Daddy's little girl. I don't want to reiterate exactly what happened that day. I don't want to go into long explanations and give vivid details of what unfolded. Let's just assume a few safe facts. I asked his permission for her hand. He said yes. Then I never got on one knee to take her hand, the very hand that held the answer to the most important question of my life. I never got an answer because I never proposed the question.

I came prepared with ring in pocket, trying to conceal the nervous beads of sweat mounting on my forehead and filling my palms. I was so rattled that as I practiced my speech in the mirror, my voice cracked and my hands trembled. I don't think women truly understand how nerve racking it can be for a man. Even the most confidant have broke under the surmounting pressure. Pressure that if you don't get the words out right, that she will forever remember it. Truthfully retelling the tale to her friends and family will shatter that romantic vision she has built-up in her head since age 8. I couldn't let that happen. I wouldn't let that happen. I made certain of it by even jotting in "kneel now" and "pull out ring" in-between the lines I had written. A short speech that only a fool like me could fumble. Words to be heard by her ears alone. I only planned on doing it once. So I wanted to do it right. I didn't want to read it. I wanted to recite it...literally from my heart.

Looking straight into the future. A future I had already begun planning. One filled with goals and ambitions that I was anxious to share. Share with her. I was ready to close that dating chapter and begin on a new page. Unfortunately she was on a different page, or maybe reading an entirely different book. She wanted to travel. She wanted to set aside her fresh college degree and not slip on a shiny ring, but hop on a shiny plane. Not to get away, but to move around and continue moving. Experience life. A life that didn't have wedding bells in the near future. She didn't need my permission to do that, even though she asked for it. What was I to say? I want her to do what's in her heart. To follow her heart wherever it takes her, even if it's oceans from me. She assured me that she didn't want to breakup. That her heart loved me very much, but traveling was something she wanted to do. Traveling was in her heart too. She was a pre-law student. She put off taking the bar so she could spend a few years traveling for her new job. She was more interested in "finding herself" than finding out what was inside that little velvet box and what was written on the crumbled paper I stuffed into my jacket. It's ok. I don't find fault in her. These days, I don't hurt about it. I'm over it. I may wonder what could have been. Perhaps she wonders what should have been? I don't know. I don't want to know. It's better not to know sometimes.

I finish signing my name, just as her father asks me a leading question. Lawyers do that sometimes. He asks..."Do you think she made a mistake?" He continues on to say..."I feel she made a mistake. She's sees you with your niece. I know she wonders if she should have done things differently. It's not my business, but for the record, you never needed my permission. You always had my blessing." I wasn't going to respond to that. I just smiled and said thank you. Then shook his hand and left. Our deal was now officially closed. The "deal" I had with his daughter, it never really opened. I've permitted myself to move on, long ago. I realize everything in life happens for a reason, even if the lesson is unclear, it's still taught.

Thursday, February 9, 2006

Life Definitely Needs An Easy Button

Staples, the office supply superstore, use to have the slogan "Staples, yeah we've got that". These days the slogan has changed to "That was easy". Their marketing campaign features a big read easy button that you push to make things simple. Don't you wish life was that simple, that you could push a big red easy button and things would be all better? I definitely wish that was a realistic concept sometimes. Take this morning for example, I would of traded my left nut in for that easy button. Nothing against my right nut, he's a fine solider too. It's just all figuratively speaking, but you get the point.

Today I woke up to a little snow. Nothing to really dig out of, but an inch or so of accumulation. No big deal right? Well it's no big deal to me, but then I'm not minivan Mom. You know the type. She's all tucked in her Dodge Caravan decked out with the ever present "Julie #12 Soccer" and "Ryan #25 Baseball" stickers on her bumper, gabbing on her cell phone with one hand, another hand wrapped tightly around her bottled spring water. You know, water for the gym that she says she attends but always skips going to because it interferes with her soap opera schedule. So that leaves no hands for the steering wheel. Not to mention that in the back of the minivan she has stuffed 3 or 4 unruly adolescents throwing packed brownbags of P&B around and tattling to Mom. It's a sensible no hands approach to driving her loaded gun, AKA minivan hell on wheels. No annoyances to distract minivan Mom's attention away from the road and into her own little world of chaos. Despite the rather snow clear roads, minivan Mom manages to find the sole patch of snow that the plow missed. Look out, hell is about to break loose!

The Caravan begins to fish tale. I see her swerve from right to left and back to the right again. I witness the Fiji water spilling and that damn Motorola is finally dropped, unglued from her ear! For the first time in nearly 3 miles of following behind this woman, I actually see her place her hands on that thing you steer a car with. Um, what do they call that? Oh yeah, the steering wheel! Someone should tell her what it's used for and how to use it. Anyway, small childlike heads being to roll in the van's backseat. Sack lunches are tossed into the air, not by free-will this time, but by Dodge Caravan will. The Caravan is living up to it's rep - hell on wheels. It's also important to note the speed we are traveling at so you (the reader) isn't panicking and thinking how insensitive I am at this point. We are going less than 20mph. I kid you not. Yes, she somehow is managing to cause utter chaos on the roadways this morning putting not only her and her kids lives at risk, but mine and everyone else's on the road as well.

After a few seconds pass, which I'm sure felt like eternity to her as she was spinning out of control, the van slides off the road and hits the guardrail. My immediate reaction? "Oh great, just what I need when I am late for work already". Obviously I'm not a morning person based on my initial response to witnessing minivan Mom's fender bender, but come on now, this could of been avoided if she had at least ONE hand on the wheel right? Slamming your car into a guardrail at under 20mph on a bare road just doesn't get alot of sympathy from me - sorry. However, I believe we have a law that states that if you witness an accident and you don't pull over to see if they are ok or call for help, then you could get in trouble yourself. Wonderful. So now I have to help this idiot. I'm really mean this morning huh? I'm usually not so grumpy or cold hearted, but I hadn't had alot of sleep, no breakfast and I worked a 12 hour workday yesterday. All of that on my shoulders plus the fact that I was running late for work today and this woman was going to make me even later, I just wanted to choke her if the seatbelt didn't beat me to it. That's the other thing - she doesn't wear a seatbelt driving either.

As you can tell from this tale, I wish I had that easy button with me. I would of pointed it right at her and slammed it down like I was on the "Press Your Luck" game show - no whammies, big whammies, boom. Reluctantly, but knowing it was the right things to do, I pulled over to see if everything was ok and if I could give her a hand with anything. I would of offered her to use my phone to call for a help, but she did have one. Of course as soon as she put down her driver side window to talk to me, I could see the tears were welling in her eyes. Oh great, even more good luck for me. Now this woman is going to ball. "It's ok, it's ok" I nervously said to her in hopes she would choke it up and get a grip, but no this woman was rattled and lost it. She began balling, not just a tear or two flowing, she was on the verge of hysterics! "Calm down woman" is what I wanted to say in an irritated tone, but I had to be nice because I was afraid if I wasn't, then I might burn in hell one day and see her minivan hell on wheels over and over again...for all eternity! Somehow I got this woman calm and she was fine and her kids were fine. Nobody was hurt except the minivan's wood paneling and the leather stick shift in my car because when I finally was on my way, I had to release some stress by squeezing it as tight as I could. Be on the lookout for a banged up Dodge Caravan with wood paneling coming to terrorize a city near you.

So had this woman been a cute single girl that was kid-free in the same accident, would I of been more sympathetic? Of course, duh! I would spot the problem and say..."Yeah, I got that". After fixing her flat tire, I would boast..."That was easy"...even if I had chased a lug nut across the highway while nearly being struck by a semi. Moral of the story - A damsel in distress is only as hot as the girl looks. Sexist? Maybe. True? No doubt.

Wednesday, February 8, 2006

Thinking With The Right Head

The big brownie, a sad Mac, idiot stick figure with no soul, proposing to oneself by saying "alrighty then"...if you don't know what any of these infamous coined terms and catch phrases are, then shame on you. Shame on you for not being a fan of one of the best TV shows off all-time. Shame on you for not joining with me and watching 30 minutes of funny, hot and rather educational cable television programming. I'm talking about "Sex And The City". Even though the show is off the air, you can still catch the reruns, just don't bother with the censored/cut TBS version - they suck. You need all that filth intact to truly appreciate Carrie and her crew. I'll admit that I'm probably one of the only straight guys that likes this show, but so what. It doesn't bother me. In fact, I'll announce it to the world...I love Sex And The City and damn proud of it baby!

Even as I write this, I hear that jingly theme song playing in my head, picturing our NY writer getting splashed by a puddle while unknown buff dude strikes a pose in the backgroud. Yes, I was hooked and sad to see the show end. Although I did have a quick flashback to the good old days when I came across this book (pictured above) last weekend. It's Kim Cattrall, who plays the sexy/slutty Samantha on the show. Of course when I saw the racy cover, I immediately recalled the funniest and most noteworthy line out of all 5 seasons of "Sex And The City". I suppose she made this blunt statement for all men to hear and all women to cheer...

Samantha: You men have no idea what we're dealing with down there. Teeth placement, and jaw stress, and suction, and gag reflex, and all the while bobbing up and down, moaning and trying to breathe through our noses. Easy? Honey, they don't call it a job for nothing'.

Tuesday, February 7, 2006

Romance Does Not Come In A Box

Since it's February, Valentines Day is just around the corner. Guys if you are thinking of getting your girl one of those tacky 6 inch stuffed teddy bears that is holding a heart and says "I Can't Bear To Be Without You", then let me stop you. Don't get it. Seriously. Unless it's a "joke gift" which is part of her real gift, then put the teddy bear down. Walk away from the teddy bear. Come on, you can do better than that. You usually can't go wrong with standard items like flowers, chocolate or jewelry. However you must know your target audience and feel out the situation. For instance, if it's a girlfriend, take her to a nice bed & breakfast place or treat her to a spa day. If it's a girl you only sort of know or just started dating, then you should of been paying attention to her likes and dislikes so you can surprise her with something that is sure to swoon her. Lastly, if this is a first date and you know almost nothing about the girl, then why not break the ice with something silly, funny and cute - get one of those 2nd grade Valentine cutout cards and a box of those heart candies with the "hot 4 u" and other goofy sayings printed on them. If she has any sense of humor, she will appreciate the ice-breaker gift. I'm sure everyone has come across a box like this...

It promises to add spice to your love life, but I think there is no bigger gimmick than promising romance in a box. Bottom line, romance does not come in a box. I always see these types of things, but I think if you "need" this, then a few problems are at hand...

  1. You aren't creative and/or intelligent enough to think of things on your own.
  2. You shouldn't need someone to TELL YOU how to be romantic nor HAND YOU the tools needed to be romantic - where is the romance in that? It should come from the heart and not a game card.
  3. You may be a lazy and/or boring lover if all of these things are "new and exciting" to you to try. Get an imagination and a sense of adventure when it comes to not only sex, but also the daily romantic part of your relationship as well.

I could probably think of other reasons, but those 3 come to mind first and foremost. Relationships do take work sometimes, but romance should come easy to you. How can it not? All you have to do is what's in your heart, express how you feel. There is nothing more heartfelt and sincere than that. If the plain old dozen red roses is all that's in your heart, then I guess that is what you go with. Personally, I find that too cliché. I like to do things a little different, put a spin on that and mix it up. In the past I may of struggled from time to time when getting along with a woman, but I've never struggled with trying to romance her. Honestly, I feel the best part of dating or being in love is the romance. The best part of sex to me is the foreplay. I know you might not believe either one of those statements, but it's really true...at least for me it is.

You should not feel it is "work" to plan a nice date, setup a bubble bath with roses pedals and candles or just leave a sweet little note for her to find when you aren't around. I think a good lover is one who is creative all on his own. His imagination is full of fun things to try and he has no hesitation in trying them. His gestures should not be "by the book romance", but one that comes truly from the heart and is made special and unique for just that one woman who has his heart. Now the only catch is to find a woman worth such effort, who will appreciate and return the favors/gestures. THEN you will have a truly good relationship and sex life, one that won't need "spicing up" with some board game. But hey, if you like those games, then buy them. Those are just my thoughts on the whole thing.

Monday, February 6, 2006

Let The Rioting Begin, Steelers Win Super Bowl XL!
Super Bowl Sunday has come and gone. With that has come the championship to the city of Pittsburgh and gone is the Lombardy trophy dreams of the Seattle Seahawks. Hey, not everyone can be a winner in life. So better luck next year Seattle. As for my Steelers, I couldn't be more happy! When any city wins a championship game, there is always a huge celebration...and of course rioting. There is no exception here as the partying began immediately following the game with people pouring into the streets! The celebrating lasted well into this morning in Oakland, near the University of Pitt campus. Police were on the scene and the roads were closed to contain the party.

An emotonal Hines Ward was all smiles
as he was named Super Bowl MVP.

In all, no one was hurt, but 8 people were arrested. One victory celebration got a little out of control when a car was flipped over. Other fans celebrated the big win by setting a sofa on fire. The celebration also spilled into other areas of the city causing numerous roads to be blocked off. Around 11:30 PM, officers started appearing in riot gear and on horseback. However, the fans kept waving their Terrible Towels. I never really get the purpose of the looting, car tipping or setting random items on fire as a form of celebration. Then again, when people have that much alcohol in them, it sort of makes sense.

Other cities have experienced worse rioting, so as a precaution the city of Pittsburgh had put some measures into place prior to Sunday. Several schools inside the city had a scheduled 2 hour delay for Monday morning because everyone was expecting things to get a little crazy after the Sunday night game. In addition, fans were notified not to show up to the Pittsburgh International Airport on Monday, waiting to greet the team as they arrived back home. The airport is partially closed off to help keep things under control.

Let's put aside the ugly side of the rioting and focus on the good - the 5th championship ring! Finally, one for the thumb! It's been 10 years since the Steelers made a Super Bowl appearance and 26 years since they took the championship, but that all changed last night. Cower finally got to hand Dan Rooney the big prize and Jerome Bettis can close his career out on a high note. Most importantly, I can call this season a success from personal standpoint. Granted I sold my season tickets awhile back because I was afraid with traveling for work, that I wouldn't get much use of the passes. However, I did manage to attend about 3 games this year and as always, they were a blast! So hours of yelling at my TV on Sunday and Monday night games has paid off. All the beer, pizza and other junk food consumed during the games has paid off. I may of felt ill after drinking and eating all that junk, but that junk help cheer on the Black & Gold to ring #5. Therefore, I not only pat my football team on the back for a job well done, but myself as well. Without the fans, the NFL wouldn't exist.

Lastly, I am going to fool myself into believing and falsely taking credit for the "tips" I personally gave to Bill Cower earlier in the season. Yes, I'm going to name drop and say I got to hang out with "The Man" right at his house...well his driveway to be exact...back when the Steelers had a bye-week during the regular season. Yes, Coach Cower and I, along with a few friends, cracked a cold one and discussed Ward, Parker, Big Ben and others. It was a good time and defiantly one of the highlights I'll remember when I look back at this incredible Steelers season. Jerry Porter can talk all the smack he wants because there is a guy that backed it up...something Seattle can't say.

Friday, February 3, 2006

Get Your Game Face On
Steelers, Steelers, Steelers. That is all I've heard the last month or so, even before we made it to the Super Bowl. This city has gone crazy over the Pittsburgh Steelers! Don't get me wrong. I'm pumped for the game too and I love the team, but it's all anyone is talking about, seriously. You turn on the news and it's like who cares if some innocent child got caught in a drive-by shooting, nope, the opening news is Steelers updates. They are still covering the drug busts, drive-bys and all those other wonderful inner city crimes that take place. However, I almost feel like if they reported the shooter was wearing a Big Ben jersey, that the cops would let him go because he is a Steelers fan. Yeah, that is how crazy people are here about the Steelers going to Super Bowl XL.

Our football team has always had a huge following here and even across the US there are Steelers fans in nearly every city you go to. There was even a Steelers pep rally in Japan! Now that is some serious loyalty to the Black & Gold. Of course I will be glued to the TV come Super Bowl Sunday and this year I'm hoping the game is just as good, if not better, than the commercials. We all know that many watch the big game just for the commercials. In the past, the Super Bowl has been a blowout game or it's 2 teams playing that nobody even cares about. This year, I care. I care that my home team is going to be in there once again since their last Super Bowl appearance 10 years ago. I care that they are predicting that Detroit will be made up of 80% Steelers fans. I care that unlike the games during the playoffs, the Steelers are favorites to win it all this year. Odds are that they will finally get that 5th ring - one for the thumb. I definitely care that I have money riding on Pittsburgh to win!

Finally, I care if you aren't a Steelers fan. It's not only mandatory that you watch the game, but it's also mandatory that you route for the right team - Pittsburgh of course. If you aren't a Steelers fan and if you aren't routing for the Steelers this Sunday, then I'm officially banning you from my blog. It's nothing personal. Ok, it is personal. I can't have anyone hanging out at my blog if they aren't backing the best team in the NFL. So let this be your lesson to do the right thing. Cheer on the Black & Gold no matter what happens this Sunday. Be loyal and keep routing for them until the final tick of the clock has concluded.

Oh yeah, that fat rodent in Philly, you know Punxsutawney Phil. Well apparently he saw his shadow yesterday on Groundhog Day. However, in Pittsburgh, nobody cared unless Punxsy was waiving a Steelers Terrible Towel. So you see, this city has some serious football fever. Therefore, if you plan on getting struck by lightning or anything, make sure you wear some Steelers attire or nobody is going to give a crap about you.

Thursday, February 2, 2006

It's Official, I Suck
I'm like a vanilla cone, a brown paper bag, a colorless Crayon. What is wrong with me lately? I'm dull and boring. Uninteresting and bland. I'm just blah. I can't think of anything good to say to her and she isn't saying anything to me. I'm totally dropping the ball on this. She makes me nervous sometimes and I don't know why. This is so silly. This isn't like me. I'm usually cool, calm and collected. Being myself usually is a good thing and comes natural, but lately I feel being me isn't good enough. It's not cutting it. I need more. I need something.

Perhaps a magic trick will work. Should I pull some flowers out of my sleeve? Perhaps this is all just in my head and I need to relax. In fact, I know I need to relax. I feel like I'm 13 again trying to make a girl like me. This is pathetic.

(Just a small side note, I hope people don't read this and assume things. I'm not in love or anything and I don't have "the hots" for someone. Although I do have a slight case of "the warms". I'll leave it at that.)

Wednesday, February 1, 2006

Inspire Me

Since 2006 has kicked off, I've been searching for a little inspiration in certain areas of my life. Even on my blog, I sometimes search for inspiration. Something that inspires me to write, something that moves me enough to bother posting about. I like it when my mind is challenged and I love it when the challenge is brought on by the inspiration of another. Inspire me and you've caught my attention. Continue to inspire me...or better yet, inspire total strangers in this world...and you will not only capture my full attention, but you will hold it for a lifetime. That is when I develop a deep interest. In my eyes, that is when the depth of a person begins to shine thru and intensifies. I'm inspired by another's courage, pain, happiness, sadness, success, triumphs, failures, their strengths and even their weaknesses. Not to sound cliché, but it's the good, the bad and the ugly that are inspiring in life.

Lately, I seem to be lacking outside inspiration from other people. Therefore, I need to find that inspiration within myself. It can be a difficult challenge sometimes to fuel my drive and keep me going from day to day. Although I will dig down and pull up past inspirations of mine or of others and allow those moments to grip me. I will once again breathe in that period of time when I felt inspired, motivated and eagerly accepted a challenge no matter how big or how small. A single breath can bring a new awakening to a new day. I will hold onto the people, places, things and moments in life that have given me inspiration. It will be like inhaling and never exhaling. To never let go of what gives your life, life.

I don't think I am going to do those "1st of the month wrap-ups" anymore on my blog. You may recall that I use to sum up the previous month's posts in one single post on the first day of each new month. It's become too time consuming to do that. Plus I'm bored doing it and frankly, I don't feel inspired to do it anymore. Instead I am going to leave everyone with 2 posts from January that seem to of made people think and even inspired a few of you. I feel that inspiration comes in all different forms. If I've inspired just one person out there by sharing the story of the old man with the threadbare scarf and trembling hands, then I've done well. If I've inspired just one person out there by revealing some very personal things about myself with my 101 list, then I've done well. If I've inspired someone in this world in some way, anyway...then I've done great...and with that, the inspiration has come full circle. Inspiring someone inspires me.

01/19/06 1 Second Added To Your Life, What Will You Do With It?
01/23/06 101 Things You Didn't Know About Me