Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Think Really Hard Before You Register That Domain Name

It seems like these days everyone has a domain name (.com .net .org .whatever). However, how much thought do you put into your new virtual home address? I think you would take careful consideration before laying down the cash to register that name for 1, 2, 5, or even 10 years! Although it seems that alot of people don't take nearly enough time and consideration before heading to GoDaddy.com and registering that domain name of their dreams. So for those of you that rush into things, let me just say that your haste makes waste...or rather you just made an ass out of yourself and it's going to loom in cyberspaces for years to come. Here's a list of some funny URLs where the designer and/or admin didn't think about how people would REALLY read the name of the site.

A database for agencies to the rich and famous.
How It's Suppose To Read - Who Represents
Translation - Whore Presents

A knowledge base where programmers can exchange ideas.
How It's Suppose To Read - Experts Exchange
Translation - Expert Sex Change

Find yourself the perfect pen.
How It's Suppose To Read - Pen Island
Translation - Penis Land

Need a therapist? Then look here.
How It's Suppose To Read - Therapist Finder
Translation - The Rapist Finder

Mole Station Native Nursery, based in New South Wales.
How It's Suppose To Read - Mole Station Nursery
Translation - Molestation Nursery

A central gas heating company.
How It's Suppose To Read - Gas Heating
Translation - Gash Eating

New to Milan and you need electricity hooked up? Call Power-Gen.
How It's Suppose To Read - Power Gen Italia
Translation - Power Genitalia

A little free advice to all of you out there looking to register a domain name, if you don't want to take a moment to consider how the rest of the world will interpret your URL, then I suggest you just take this easy blatantly obvious route. Just go and register www.imajackass.com (if it's not already taken) to get the humiliation over with. Say it loud. Say it proud. I'm a jackass and now the whole world will know it!

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