Monday, January 16, 2006

Be Annoying Online And You'll Be Arrested Offline

Annoying someone via the Internet is now a federal crime. It’s no joke. President Bush recently signed into law a prohibition on posting annoying messages online, sending annoying IMs or e-mail messages without disclosing your true identity. The law comes under the Violence Against Women and Department of Justice Reauthorization Act. Criminal penalties include stiff fines and 2 years in prison! Web Anonymity may not be a crime, but annoying someone on the web is? So is it ok to flame someone in a message board forum or in a blog as long as you do it under your real name? These are questions that are raising alot of issues.

Originally the purposed law stated that...
"It was reasonable by comparison and criminalized only using an interactive computer service to cause someone substantial emotional harm."

Toady the signed law states this...
"Whoever...utilizes any device or software that can be used to originate telecommunications or other types of communications that are transmitted, in whole or in part, by the Internet... without disclosing his identity and with intent to annoy, abuse, threaten or harass any person...who receives the communications...shall be fined under title 18 or imprisoned not more than two years, or both."

The use of the word "annoy" is particularly problematic because what's annoying to one person may not be annoying to someone else. Therefore this makes the definition of the word "annoy" open to personal interpretation and makes this new law seem a little sketchy to fully understand. So who decides what is annoying? The official word is that as long as there is "intent to annoy" and not whether or not someone is actually offended, that seems to be all it takes for it to be considered a crime. However, while people are debating whether or not a crime has actually been committed based on their own personal definition of the word "annoy", what about the real cases of when "being annoying" has gone to a new level and develops into harassment or even stalking? Well we all know that harassment and stalking whether done online or offline is clearly a crime. There are numerous laws that state that you can not harass or "cyber stalk" someone whether you disclose your true identity or remain anonymous. It's against the law either way you do it.

To some, being annoying should be a crime. It's a little funny to think of it like that, but wouldn't life be so much sweeter if you could take every annoying person you know and throw their ass in jail? Ahh, pure bliss! Only in a perfect world would such an easy fix and a true pleasure exist. Since we don't live in a perfect world, annoying people will continue to exist online and offline. It's how you choose to deal with these annoyances that will really make a difference. In many cases simply distancing yourself as far away as possible from the problematic person/s and ignoring them at all costs is the best solution. When that fails, sometimes legal measures need to be taken. To the person/s being annoyed, harassed or even cyber stalked, you can feel like you are on the losing end. However, it's important to keep in mind that although you may feel angry, frustrated and even overwhelmed, that there is help and laws put into place to protect you. You must look at the situation as the annoyer/harasser/stalker as being "sick" and in many cases they really are. How else can you explain the great lengths these people will go to in order to continue their annoying/harassing/stalking behavior? The effort and time they put into it alone is scary. Everyone deserves a peaceful life, online and offline. This new law is meant to protect that right and help insure that you too can have peace from the annoying. Of course, don't abuse it and get "sue happy" like so many people tend to get in the US.

Today is Martin Luther King's birthday and in celebration of him, we remember his famous "I Have A Dream" speech. Today I have composed my own speech which is a little similar...
"I have a dream that one day people will find something better to do with their lives than annoy, harass and stalk others. I have a dream that one day they will wake up and see that their evil efforts are wasted and they have gained nothing by their wrong doings. I have a dream that they will look in the mirror and see how foolish they look and feel ashamed for their behavior. I have a dream that these people will change for the better. Until that day, I wish for the rest of the world to feel not afraid and turn to this new law that has been signed and sing... Free at last! Free at last! Thank God Almighty, we are free at last!"

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