Monday, January 30, 2006

Mother F-ing Son Of A Beeeeep
Damn it! How did I miss a Cussing Convention and Swearing Festival? I'm not f*cking kidding, there really was such an event held in San Francisco the other week. It was held in a pub, no surprise there. Of course a truck stop or catholic girl's school would of been a fitting atmosphere as well, considering everyone loves a lady with a trucker-mouth and nobody can out-cuss Sister Mary. I bet you didn't know that swearing takes up 13% of adult conversation, not to mention that 72% of men and 58% of women swear in public. Can you believe that sh*t? I wonder how many people swear online? Not f-ing me, that's for f-ing sure.

I'm sure the "F bombs" were going off right and left. I also bet that the most hated cuss word of all-time, the "C word", made an appearance at the event. Want to see a woman commit murder? Don't call her a b*tch, call her that "C word" and I can nearly guarantee you that she will slice your throat faster than OJ. Hey, I'm a guy and I even hate hearing that word. I wonder if they kiss their Mother with that mouth. Anyway, you want to know what the Cussing Convention and Swearing Festival event schedule was for the day right? Well, here was the lineup...

  • Panel forum of swearing experts (whatever the hell that is) debate the current state of foul language in the culture and the media.
  • The Mass Swearing Experiment - A multi-media exposure of us and our mouths.
  • A Most Horrible, Vile Oaths Contest
  • Classic Cussing Performances from Movies, Literature and Music
  • The Shit Parade
  • Filthy, Foreign Tongues - Foreign guests educate America on how to cuss like a drunken sailor outside the US.
  • Shite Discotheque Party
  • Special guests, raffle prizes and a book sale.

Basically it's a swearing ponderosa full of lots of pointless crap...I mean sh*t. Maybe next year those bastards will remember to mail me an invite.

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