Monday, January 23, 2006

101 Things You Didn't Know About Me

Every now and then a little trend gets around in the blogosphere and everyone is doing similar posts. For the most part, I don't usually participate in it because it gets old after awhile seeing so many similar posts. However, this one I wanted to do. It's the "100 Things You Didn't Know About Me" list. Of course if you know me, you know I like to do everything just a little different so I'm going to post "101 Things You Didn't Know About Me". 101 is always better than 100 right? Plus if you were in a bookstore and saw 100 things next to 101 things, which would you pick up to read? Exactly! So 101 it is and perhaps if you aren't tired of reading everyone else's 100 lists, you will check out mine...after all 101 is just better reading material. Everything you read here is true, whether it be funny, sad, shocking, whatever - it's all me.

1. I was voted Class Flirt in high school. I think if I go to my high school reunion, the title would still fit.

2. I look down the shirt of my shampoo girl when I get a haircut.

3. I've never dated a redhead, but I would date Debra Messing.

4. I once bought an engagement ring, but never proposed.

5. Only twice have I ever been truly in love.

6. I've spent an entire Sunday laying around watching football in just a towel because I was too lazy to get dressed after a shower. (Hey, at least I showered.)

7. I was considered to be "killed on impact" after I had a bad motorcycle accident. Then a paramedic revived me. I owe my life to her.

8. I never knew how badly I wanted to be a Dad until my niece was born.

9. Every time my dog pants, I can't resist touching her tongue and trying to flip the end of it up. She's very tolerant.

10. I was somewhat of a stereotypical jock growing up.

11. I enjoyed having a female boss. I thought it was sort of sexy to be told what to do by her.

12. One of my all-time favorite shows is "Sex And The City"...and no I'm not gay.

13. I would always choose love over money if I had to pick.

14. My family is more important to me than I think they know.

15. Once after a doctor's visit, I asked for a lollipop. I was 25.

16. I love Frank Sinatra music!

17. Reverse engineering comes easy to me.

18. I spell like a 2 year old, but the world doesn't know thanks to "spell check".

19. I can't resist a woman that smells good.

20. I always thought the term "love sick" was cliché, until I felt nauseas over a relationship.

21. A broken heart really does make your chest hurt.

22. Love really is blind sometimes and can't be explained.

23. I'll never say "I love you" unless I really mean it.

24. I battled depression as a kid. I denied it and let it go untreated because I was afraid people would think I was being silly to feel so down.

25. There were times when I should have swallowed my pride and spoke up because inside I was begging for help.

26. I went to college on a basketball scholarship because my grades wouldn't have carried my ass there.

27. I've never cheated on a girlfriend or been cheated least not that I know of.

28. I like to wrap one arm around a pillow when I sleep. It's not only comfortable, but also comforting.

29. At times I can be quick to judge people, but even faster to accept them.

30. I'm a kid at heart.

31. I'm not really afraid or embarrassed to be naked.

32. I wear boxers and not briefs.

33. I actually like to cuddle (guys don't laugh).

34. I tuck my dog into her bed every night with a kiss on her head and say "nite buddy".

35. The best sex really does come when you are in love.

36. I've had an quickie in my office at work and I'm a member of the Mile-High Club.

37. I've had a threesome in college before (MFF). It was good, but not great as I let my friends believe.

38. Like many when I lost my virginity, it was confusing, fast and not memorable.

39. I don't attend mass regularly anymore, so when I do pray, I wonder if God will still listen.

40. I'm a firm believer in "God helps those that helps themselves".

41. I'm angry at those who blame their childhood for every problem they have thru adult life.

42. I've never heard my father say "I love you" to anyone and neither has my Mom, even to her. I'm ok if I never hear those words from him because I know he cares and that's what really counts.

43. My car is always kept so clean that you could perform surgery on top of the hood!

44. My sister got on my nerves when she lived close, now that she has moved away, I miss her.

45. I stopped a guy that tried to rape my girlfriend. I beat him so badly that he dropped out of our college due to fear. I don't feel sorry.

46. I am shocked at how much money I've spent/wasted on tech gadgets.

47. I once stole a pack of Bubble Yum gum from K-Mart as a kid. My Mom marched me back into the store to return it and admit my wrong doing.

48. The first time I have sex with a new partner, I'm nervous about pleasing them. After, I wonder why I worried. ;)

49. I boxed for years and never broke my nose!

50. I'm one of the few white boys that can actually dance.

51. I'm not an easily offended person. You have to really push it to set me off.

52. I made the Honor Roll in high school, but thought it was uncool and hid it.

53. I was on the Dean's List twice in college and felt proud of it.

54. I just missed graduating with honors, but wasn't upset about it.

55. I hold 2 Bachelor degrees and I am going to turn the one into a Masters.

56. Sometimes I feel dumb talking to other people.

57. I use to skateboard as a kid and now I love to snowboard.

58. My parents were afraid I would turn out weird, like a punk.

59. I've lived in this state my whole life, but I want to move away to NY because I love it there.

60. I like being challenged, but I'm learning to be careful what you wish for.

61. I'm hoping this government job renews my contract, but I'm doubtful.

62. I tried weed as a teenager and never thought it was that wonderful.

63. I was on an emotional roller coaster with a girl for too long. I'm glad the ride is now over.

64. I secretly love it when a woman takes care of me when I'm sick or tells me to be careful.

65. I hired my last intern based 40% on her skill and 60% on her looks. Shh.

66. I can't cook, but really tried to make dinner for a date to impress her.

67. I believe in chivalry.

68. I love romance. I feel it's the best part of a relationship.

69. I can speak a little French and Italian, emphasis on "little".

70. My parents still don't know that the reason I almost flunked a year of Jr High was because I was depressed, didn't want to and couldn't concentrate, not because I was dumb or lazy.

71. I've acted like a clown my whole life to disguise when I'm in pain.

72. I've had a co-worker have an emotional breakdown in front of me.

73. I have a sentimental keepsake box from past loves and childhood memories.

74. I wiped up the blood after my best friend/roommate committed suicide.

75. I love an adrenaline rush!

76. Although I would trade an adrenaline rush in for that "rush feeling" of falling in love.

77. I have a good amount of friends and a pretty close family, but I still feel
lonely at times.

78. I have a hard time understanding how one woman could make my heart beat one day and break it the next.

79. I don't trust people as much as I once did.

80. I've had a close friend die from cancer.

81. I shaved my head to make her feel pretty after chemo, to make her laugh and not feel alone.

82. I smiled when she smiled, then after I left the hospital, I cried because I knew her fate.

83. I never let on how much it hurt me when a girl I liked didn't want to meet my family.

84. When I boxed, before every fight I subconsciously made the sign of the cross (Catholic) on my chest.

85. I wonder if that was why I was never hurt badly in a match.

86. I've "drunk dialed" and been on the receiving end of a "drunk dialer".

87. I melt when a woman kisses my neck!

88. I've gone to Vegas without knowing how to play Poker.

89. I told a girl in Vegas I didn't want to sleep with her because I was gay - lied. The truth was that I was in love with someone.

90. My 10th grade composition teacher told me I had a real talent for writing. Before that, nobody told me I had a talent for anything and I didn't really believe her. I felt embarrassed when she read one of my papers out loud to the class. After numerous writing compliments from her, I still didn't believe her. Then in my senior year, she hit on me and to this day I don't know if she liked my writing...or just me.

91. The biggest turn on in bed for me is pleasing her - when she's into it and enjoying herself.

92. I don't understand why most men want to roll over and go to sleep after sex. I want to go a few more rounds.

93. My one buddy is a womanizer. I wish I could just be able to turn my feelings off like he can, but then at the same time I feel sorry for him because he's never experienced what it feels like to be in love.

94. Even after nearly losing my life on a motorcycle, I still do illegal street racing.

95. When I was 10, I picked on a kid in school. I want to find him now and apologize.

96. I wet my pants in the 4th grade! The teacher told me I already used the bathroom once that day and couldn't go again. I sat in those jeans all afternoon, was laughed at and humiliated. My Mom tried to get her fired for that, but the school didn't seem to care.

97. I found out a girl I use to date had turned into a stripper when I ran into her in a strip club. Out of respect for her, I didn't watch her perform.

98. I told my buddy to give her whatever money I had left in my wallet and to tell her that she is beautiful and smart and shouldn't degrade herself like this - to get another job.

99. She's now married with a family and holds a degree in psychology.

100. Having regrets in life is bad, not being able to change is worse.

101. Alot of this was hard to write because it brings up memories and feelings I don't like to always admit are part of me.

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