Tuesday, January 3, 2006

It Rained On My Parade & Dick Clark Didn't Rock

It seems that some anonymous person from the PostSecret Blog had their wish granted. They wished it would rain on the annual Rose Bowl Parade. Mother Nature waived her magic wand and TADA! Rain you want, rain you shall have. Not just a sprinkle either, a massive downpour. Of course those who live in CA aren't talking about anything but the recent rain there. Honestly, I find it funny. Funny that people get all worked up over a passing storm in the Sunshine State. It's rain people, relax. I know you aren't use to it and I know you can't drive in it. You probably think the sky is falling, but trust me, it isn't and it will be ok. It seems to set Californians in a state of panic, or so my sister tells me because she lives in So Cal and is amused by the behavior. Perhaps if road and sidewalk drainage existed out there, then flooding would not be a problem. Hmm, just something to think about.

I live in a state that isn't prone to tornados, but that doesn't mean we don't put some measures in place IN CASE one occurs. Get it? It's called being prepared even if what you are preparing for is unlikely to occur. Sometimes shit happens and it's good to have a plan in place. California, here is some free advice - install some drainage systems and you will thank me later. However, things could be worse, be thankful you aren't a Katrina victim. Now those people really have something to cry about. Maybe instead of opening an umbrella, CA residents would rather walk 2 hours to work in frigid single digit temps like most New Yorkers had to endure during the transit strike? Then they would complain about the cold and snow if they couldn't complain about the rain. Nobody said life is a bowl full or roses, but I suppose the reason so many people move to CA is because they believe it to be so? I don't know, but the point is, the Rose Bowl Parade carried on. Even though some of the floats nearly floated away, people survived and like Little Orphan Annie says...the sun will come out tomorrow.

In other New Year's Eve/Day news, for those of you that don't pay much attention when it comes to celeb news like me, the reason Dick Clark is not around anymore is not because the guy retired or died. Others may have speculated that he just ran off into hibernation because his hair dye would no longer take. None of those reasons explain the disappearance of one Mr. Dick Clark. I was a little sadden to know, well to be reminded of the fact, that the real reason is because he had a stroke back in 2004. A stroke that was bad enough to impair his speech. So that is why Dick has not been rocking in the New Year. The Dick (I don't use that in the derogatory sense either) has been replaced with some stand-in hosts. This year Regis Philbin and Jillian Barberie hosted "Dick Clark's Rocking New Year's Eve" special in Times Square. I didn't see the show and I didn't watch their live webcast on MSN's website because I'm not a dork. However, if you are reading this and you did in fact watch the show on TV or via the net, then let me just state for the record that you are a nerd. I'm kidding...sort of. Anyway, I did happen to catch a news clip of the show later on in the weekend and felt embarrassed for the hosting duo.

I watched why Regis and Jillian should of failed the 1st grade. The two of them couldn't even count from 10 down to 1 as a million New Yorkers gathered to count with them. They were off by more than a few seconds and they just looked really, really stupid. 10, 9, 8...5, 5, 5, 4...321 Happy New Year! In addition to that embarrassing moment, I don't know who picked Jillian Barberie to host, but whoever made that call should be embarrassed too. Despite her being good eye candy, the woman is annoying to say the least. I think Howard Stern said it best..."honey you're hot, but you just talk too damn much, you never shut up". I have to agree 100%. Please Dick Clark, get well and come back! Just like Charlie Brown has to save Christmas, so must you save New Year's Eve. Rock on my jet black haired hero, rock on!

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