Friday, January 6, 2006

A Business Trip To Las Vegas? Oooo Yeaaa!

I know what you are thinking...nobody conducts business in Las Vegas! It's Sin City. It's the Disney Land for grownups. It's the place where the only 3 things on your "work agenda" should be drinking, gambling and partying. That is the whole reason the city was even built! Well that is all true, but what is also true is that Las Vegas is known to host some big conventions throughout the year. This time of the year, it's the annual CES show. CES stands for Consumer Electronics Show. It's where guys like Bill Gates holds his big keynote speech and hundreds of tech vendors unveil their upcoming tech gadgets for the new year. The point is that it's a legit excuse for my work to send me over to CES. "What, you want me to go to Las Vegas for a business trip? Hmm, let me think about that. You may have to twist my arm some." Yea right, I'll begin packing now!

In case you couldn't tell, I love going to Vegas, but then what isn't to love? The place is just alot of fun even if you aren't a World Champion Poker player. Besides the standard Vegas scene, CES is filled with innovative minds and creative products. Now I know that might sound geeky and I'll admit that some of it is and then some of it is pretty cool if you are into technology at all. It runs from January 5-8, so I may of missed the first two days, but I'll catch the last two days over the weekend. I won't be upset if I have to take the redeye flight out. The way I look at it, I plan on not sleeping in Vegas and being red eyed as it is. So one more night will not hurt me. You can always sleep when you return home is my motto. If terms like "Bluetooth, HDTV and Wi-Fi" don't sound interesting to you, then I'm sure more familiar terms like "lap dance, body shots and full house" may be more to your liking. No matter what puts a smile on your face, Las Vegas is sure to deliver and I'm going to be sure to take in the best of both worlds.

Let's just hope that Bill Gates doesn't receive another pie in the face during any of his presentations. (You may recall the pie incident photographed above from a few years back.) Let's give the richest man alive some credit where credit is due. He made his billions by undermining and backstabbing his way to the top. That's what the corporate world is all about right? Ok, maybe not, but the point is that wasting good whip cream on Bill Gates is just a sin...and not the "good/naughty sin" like Las Vegas encourages. I'm hopping that everyone in Vegas will know that whip cream is not for covering nerds, but rather for covering strippers. I mean it's just common sense. Using whip cream for anything else besides making sundaes and human sundaes just isn't American. It's like taking everything that is good, pure and decent about this country and making a mockery out of it. I will have to quote Howard Stern once again because he said it best during his speech on moving to Sirius. "Let the freedom bell ring and let it be rung by a stripper!" Viva Las Vegas baby!

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