Thursday, August 11, 2005

That's Totally Me On A Billboard

This is really funny and I'm sure those of you that know me in "real life" will be laughing at this. A fellow blogger by the name of Sharon was nice enough to inform me that my photo is plastered on a billboard ad that she passes everyday on her commute to work. She risked life and limb on my behalf just to take a snapshot of this and prove to me that the billboard does in fact exist so I could see it with my own eyes. After she sent me the image, I can confirm that yes that is me. Seeing is believing and reading the slogan is priceless.

They make me sound like some lame surfer dude with the "totally" comment. Plus I'm not even using proper English on the billboard - it's "I have" not "I got". I guess they think I will look cool and hip if I speak in Moron. I've learned that Webster's Bank, which is using my photo in their ad, uses the slogan "totally free". It is their catchy way to announce they do free checking and free online bill payment. So I guess I should be totally stoked then, right? Actually I do think it's kind of cool and a little frightening at the same time to see my head so HUGE! I hope they photographed my good side...wait, do I have a good side? My backside is my good side perhaps? Ha-ha. Ok that is enough ego tripping for one day. Don't worry, I won't let this big head billboard go to me head.

The billboard is located in Hartford, Connecticut on I-84 East just before Exit 48 as well as a second one there in Farmington. There could be more in Connecticut or even in other states. If you spot any more sightings of my mug, let me know. I think it's kind of interesting to see where these are turning up and what companies have decided to use the photo. I've already seen the photo used for advertising purposes by, AmericanSingles, MSN/Hotmail, Best Buy on some home theater box and a few other places that I can't remember. It was actually taken a couple years ago so I'm a little surprised it's still being used as much as it is lately. I do get some "royalties" from it, but I still need to keep my day job. One thing that I am happy about is that I had enough brains at the time to sign papers stating that my photo could NOT be used to market Viagra, condoms or be the poster boy for some AIDs or STD campaign - ugh!

Not only does Sharon have to look at my ugly mug on her commute in, but she also has to see it outside her office window. If that isn't enough, she even got a postcard from the bank with my photo on it in her mailbox at home! I swear, I'm not stalking her. I just enjoy watching her drive into work, observe her inside her office and be present in her home when she least expects it. Well I hope this post made everyone laugh and to Sharon, thanks again for taking your life in your hands for the sake of snapping this photo for me. Also, I'm sorry that everywhere you turn, there my mug is. I suppose the least I can do for all you have been putting up with is to plug your blog. It's

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