Thursday, August 18, 2005

Oops, She Did It Again

As if Britney Spears hasn't humiliated herself enough the last year or so, it looks like she has done it again. It seems that the "ever mindful of good taste" Mrs. Spears/Federline or whatever name she goes by these days, has left us all with our retinas burning and our stomachs turning. (Hey, I made a rhyme!) Britney Spears took some friends, sister Jamie Lynn, husband Kevin Federline and his kids Kaleb and Kori on a boat excursion the day after Britney's baby shower. The paparotzi managed to snap a few photos of their outing. Please brace yourself for the horror I am about to unveil before you. You may even want to partially cover your eyes to shield yourself from the visual pain because it is hard to look at. Although it's difficult not to peak, even just a little. For the very brave, click the image to (extra) enlarge bloated Brit.

For God sake girl, at least put a one piece swimsuit on if you look like a beached whale! Now before all the woman reach thru their computer monitors and beat me for that remark, let me say this. I'm sure one day when I'm married and my wife is pregnant, that I will think she is beautiful. To me she will still look great even if she has packed on 30 lbs from being 9 months pregnant (plus Oreos, ice-cream and pickles), is retaining more water than the Pacific Ocean and is developing stretch marks reaching from here to China. Why? Well I didn't paint a pretty picture, that I know, but when you really love someone you love more than the outside. Sweet right? It is true though. Ok now with that said, since nobody loves Britney (probably including her husband), then I'm sorry but she looks like shit. I miss her tiny waist and sexy abs of steel more than ever! I may have to kick her from my MILF club (04/14/05 New Member Of The Exclusive MILF Club) and add Pamela Anderson in her place.

If one snapshot of that mess wasn't plenty, the photographer had to do it again and again! That is more than an "oops". That is a "AHH" and I don't mean that in a good way. I mean that in a frightened, "I want to hide behind my Mommy's dress" kind of way. Of course I didn't post the other shots because it is too much for me to even bare. Ok, everyone breathe. The horrific show is done now. I promise not to scare you away like this anymore. I hope everyone still loves me and will come back to visit my blog again.

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