Friday, August 12, 2005

Couple Married By Blog

That title is no joke. "To have and to hold" has turned into "to have and to blog", as the unthinkable seems to have taken place. Word on the Internet has it that 2 bloggers by the name of Eric and Kathleen were married by blog! Can you feel the love floating in the blogosphere? Apparently, there's a little known law governing informal marriage in Texas - leave it to the south (sorry, couldn't resist the little good natured jab). For a marriage to be legal, the law requires a public declaration of the marriage with local witnesses. Since there are blog readers in Texas, Eric and Kathleen's public posts meet those requirements. I know, I know, contain your laughter and pick up your jaw. Of course can't take full credit for their love union, it seems that Blogger as well as Moveable Type was their blog ceremony of choice. A "wedding announcement" on Kathleen's blog gave this explanation...

"The state of Texas has a little known law governing "informal marriage". For a marriage to be legal, we must publicly declare that we consider each other as spouses and this fact be known to other residents of the state of Texas. We got our certificate this afternoon and have now fulfilled the requirements as there's bound to be a Texas resident or two amongst our joint readership. Feel free to witness our marriage here."

Then came the virtual ceremony via the blogs. I'm not kidding when I say Eric and Kathleen's blog vows went like this...

"I promise to love, honor, and obey cherish you, in sickness and in health, in poverty and wealth, in times of sorrow and times of joy. I will be your friend, your lover, your confidant. I promise to never stop trying to become the patient, understanding man/woman you deserve."

Ok so they are sweet vows and nicely stated, but I don't think I'm the only one who thinks that tying the knot via some blogs is really, I mean really strange! I have no idea how old they both are, what their occupations are, how they met, how long they have been together, their previous marital status/kids or any of that junk. I'm assuming they both reside in Texas and hoping they live happily ever after. Now would be the time I guess I should say congratulations you crazy (let me emphasize the crazy) kids. Now for the links you have been waiting for. Eric's blog powered by Blogger and Kathleen's blog powered by Moveable Type. See, even competitive blog services can bring people together - aww. All I can say is that I hope they don't consummate the marriage thru their blogs. That's wouldn't be fun at all. Some things in life there is just no substitute.

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