Saturday, August 13, 2005

Giving Away The Stash Of One Spammer

For a kid from New Hampshire, it seemed like the American dream come true - a successful new business, money pouring in, a hot car and loads of cash...and all of this before he turned 21! Only one problem, his wealth came from flooding e-mail boxes with spam. One spammer's misfortune could be an Internet user's dream as AOL plans to give away a fully-loaded Hummer H2 and nearly $100,000 in cash and gold bars. The online service received the loot through a provision in the CAN-SPAM act, which allows courts to seize property obtained through profits from the sending of unsolicited e-mails. In addition to seizing the spammer's assets, AOL also won a $13 million judgment against the company and will donate the seized computer equipment to schools in Northern Virginia. The property will be given away through the AOL Spammer's Gold Sweepstakes, which will run through August 19th. Participants will be able to enter once per day by answering a question on computer security and safety.

Every day during the period a $1,000 prize will be awarded with the grand prize drawing at the end of the contest. The grand prize winner will receive the 2003 Hummer H2 and nearly $85,000 in cash and gold bars. All of the loot was seized from a then 20-year old man following a successful campaign to shut down and sue the spammer. At his height, AOL claims the man had 40 computers sending out millions of spam e-mails per day. In on day in January 2004 alone, the spammer generated 100,000 complaints from AOL members! Last year AOL ran a similar contest which gave away $47,000 and a Porsche Boxster which was seized from a spammer.

AOL is trying to send a strong message to spammers, letting them know that they will find you and sue you. AOL will do everything it can to make sure its members end up with any money you made as a spammer. Now this is only the second case example and for every spammer that goes caught, there are millions more left untouched. But hey, it's a start and I can actually I say I like what AOL is doing in regards to hurting the spammer where it really hurts - deep in his pockets. So for all that spam you put up with daily, some of you may actually benefit from it and win some great prizes...expense paid via the spammer himself. Payback is a b*tch!

You don't need to be an AOL member to enter the "AOL Spammer's Gold Sweepstakes", it's open to everyone. For official rules and how to enter, just visit There you will also find some tips on how to block and deal with unwanted e-mail. Good luck!

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