Wednesday, August 10, 2005

I Blog, Therefore I Am

If you're a blogger or comment on blogs, which you probably fit into one of those categories if you are reading this, then this info might be of importance to you. Blogger will have a downtime of 1 hour today (Wednesday 9/10/05) at 6PM Pacific Time. The scheduled maintenance is being perform for a major database upgrade. Perhaps we can except some good additions and changes? I would think so because in addition to the scheduled maintenance, Blogger is asking you to participate in a short survey that will help them to help you. They want to know about your blogging needs so they can better their service. I've already taken the survey and basically they ask you to rate their service and give feedback on what you would improve. To take the survey, sign in to Blogger with your account and follow the user survey link in your Dashboard. Now before you cuss and ask why you would want to take a survey, let me say this....

As an extra incentive, Blogger is offering $500 gift cards to 3 lucky respondents! How about that? I bet you are singing a new tune now. So go participate, even if you don't win a gift card, your input is helping make Blogger a better place for all. By the way, don't ask me where the gift card is good for, I didn't research that heavily. If you feel your survey input goes unnoticed and you don't win the $500 gift card, perhaps you can make yourself feel like a winner by picking up this Blogger tee (as shown above). Just a little swag to show you are part of the blogosphere...or to show that you are a big dork. You pick - enjoy!

Lastly, I want to mention something in regard to a post I did back on 07/12/05 Post A Secret, An Outlet For Anonymous Voices. Yesterday on MTV there was a "Spankin' New Video" being aired by the group "The All-America Rejects". The title of the song was called "My Dirty Little Secret". The reason it caught my ear was because it was a catchy song, but more importantly it caught my eye because the video uses the EXACT same postcards and idea from my post! You can check out the lyrics here and watch the video here (MTV will upload it soon) to see for yourself. So there you go, 3 different blog news stories combined in a single post for today. Amazing, isn't it?

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