Friday, August 26, 2005

Society Now Blaming Video Games For Teen Pregnancies

Just when you thought you've heard it all, now comes one of the most ridiculous accusations of all time. All I can say is "give me a break"! We have all seen people angrily pointing the blame finger at video game makers and video game players. They try to argue that video games, as a digital form of entertainment, is the source of all evil. They claim that playing your PS2 causes such things as school shootings and other acts of violence. Funny that the only thing video games has given me is an a sore thumb from time to time and the occasional over-inflated ego trip after I pull out a close Madden football win. So now those same idiot parents, teachers, religious leaders and even the devil herself - Hillary Clinton are all trying once again to pass the buck off on video games. This time the video games are the cause of teenage pregnancy! (Can I get a loud "bullshit"?)

I don't care what argument people give, video games DO NOT cause anyone to have unprotected sex, shoot up a school or do anything else "bad" that some are claiming they cause. Bottom line, the kid is f*cked up to begin with and the parents are usually to blame more than some silly video game that is played. Sure a game like "Grand Theft Auto" might egg-on an already mentally disturbed person, but the game DOESN'T CAUSE their behavior. Besides, games like that have a mature rating anyways so your kid shouldn't be playing it to begin with. So now you can throw that defense out the window. It reminds me of how ridiculous I thought it was years ago when a family was suing Ozzy Osbourne because their kid listened to his song "Suicide Solutions" (which also had a mature rating) and then killed himself. Sorry, but the kid had problems BEFORE Ozzy sang a note into the microphone. How about blaming his unfit parents for not getting involved in his life enough to at least keep him from buying a CD that he is too young for anyway? It irritates the hell out of me that there are so many people in this world who can't take responsibility for their own actions. They always want to point the blame on someone or something else and that's just dumb.

65 out of 490 young ladies who attend Timkin High School in Canton, Ohio are pregnant and people there say video games are to blame. (Hmm, I wonder what the average IQ of that town is.) Whose fault is it that more than 13% of Timken’s girls are with child? To me it's a no-brainer. Some would say fault-finding isn’t a fruitful exercise, but in this case, it’s critical. Suspects range from movies, music, TV and video games to lazy parents and lack of discipline. Only one thing is sure, movies, music and TV shows don’t impregnate teens. So it looks like that would leave lazy parents and lack of discipline, correct? Hey, I’m just a blogger and not a doctor, but I thought for sure that video games can’t impregnate teens either. In fact, if most female reactions to a boyfriend's or husband's video gaming habits are any indication, games are a very effective method of birth control.

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