Thursday, August 25, 2005

Build Your Own Mac Computer For $199

Macs are sleek and sexy machines, but just like sleek and sexy sports cars, you have to pay for those jaw dropping looks. Macs are not cheap in compared to the price of your average, say Dell PC. A Mac computer runs roughly $2,000 - more or less depending on your configuration. The 1st generation iMacs looked like gumdrops. The 2nd generation iMacs looked like desk lamps and now the 3rd generation iMac (as pictured below) looks like...well let's just say it's just different. So for those of you that love the Mac, but can't afford the price tag that comes along with them, I have good news for you. As promised, I'm going to tell you how you can build your own Mac computer and do it for just under $200! Interested? Read on...

Since Apple has introduced OS X for Intel processors, you now can build your own Mac from scratch. No longer is it necessary to use Mac hardware to run OS X. You can use PC parts now and still run OS X. That I like! You can purchase virtually any case, motherboard, CD-ROM drive, hard drive, processor, RAM, ect from just about any computer store online. Or if you want to really save some cash, use extra spare parts you have laying around from older computers you no longer use. Sure this mod may be a little ghetto and it won't give you that cool Mac computer look, but it will be a Mac just the same. If you want that real Mac look, pick up a used iMac case off of eBay and use that for the mod. Obviously, there are still many reasons why you’ll want to buy a true Mac - Apple quality, support and innovation. Although if you are a diehard Mac lover who has shallow pockets (which many starving artists are), this may be the way to go.

By the way, you can download a free (technically illegal) full working version of OS X for the Intel processor via BitTorrent. Look for the file named "Apple.OS.X.x86.Developer.Kit.Install.DVD-deadmoo". It will be 2.33GB so dial-up modem users need not apply. Also if you don't know what torrents are or how to build a computer, you may want to scratch this whole idea and just get a second job and buy a real Mac.

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