Monday, August 22, 2005

Have A Wife With None Of The Responsibly

Remember my post on 06/06/05 eBay Human Ad Space Overload? Do you remember how ridiculous, and at the same time genius, of an idea you thought that guy had to auction off his forehead? Now how crazy or brilliant do you think it sounds if I were to tell you that a Ventura, CA man is auctioning off his own wife? It's not perverted like you are thinking. He isn't selling her to the highest bidder for sex or anything illegal like that. Although he is giving "one lucky winner" (highest bidder) the chance to call HIS wife, THEIR wife. The reason he is doing this is because he says he simply can't handle how much she talks and he needs a break! He didn't realize the sheer amount of work and responsibly it would take to be married to a woman that never shuts up - lol. Hey, he said it, not me. Here is the ad in it's entirety...

Share My wife with Me ….. Please
Want to be married but don’t want the commitment? Well I’m married, but I need a little quite time. Emma's a chatterbox !!!

Up for auction is the right to call Emma (my wife), your wife and friend. We have been married for a little over three years. I realize now this is not a one-person job! My wife loves to talk >>>>>>>>> ALL THE TIME>>>>> She even talks in her sleep. I simply cannot keep up. I need some “me” time!!!!!

So up for auction is a time-share with my wife. I’m NOT going to mail her to you. I’m NOT going to set you up with a date with her. You cannot have sex with her. However, you can email and write her and if she wants, you can call her. You get all of this for 365 days, Note you may cancel any time . I will even send you a couple of photos of her to keep in your wallet.

WARNING: Emma is:
comes with some attitude
Can hold a conversion better than anyone I ever met!
flirty (and it drives me crazy)
wonderful cook
loves flowers
In addition, did I mention she LOVES TO TALK!
Starbucks junkie
She loves jewelry, actually it’s part of my motivation for putting her up for auction, she costs me a fortune!
BUT BEST OF ALL SHE IS AWESOME born and raised California Girl

You wont get her in the mail, you will just be able to tell people that you have a new wife and best friend. You wont be disappointed, Emma is an awesome. Good Luck. Note you may cancel any time.

I find the whole thing funny, rude but still funny. From what the guy said, it seems that his wife was ok with the deal. What does that say about their marriage? What if his wife met a great guy this way and ditched her husband for him? Then I guess the joke would be on the husband. Anyway, I'm sure you are dying to know how much the blabbing wife sold for, right? Well the auction has ended and whatever the reserve price was, it wasn't met. However he did get 9 bids and it reached $21.50 before time ran out. Oh well, better luck next time trying to pawn your wife off on the rest of us. To be honest, I think the husband set the reserve extremely high so nobody would actually win the auction. I think the whole ad was just a prank and a way to get a little "Internet fame" out of it - looks like it worked.

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