Saturday, August 6, 2005

Big Boy Toys

Drum roll please....TADA! There is it, my new toy! It's a 2005 Yamaha Sport VX110 Sport (which to most of you probably means blah, blah, blah) waverunner that I bought last weekend and I love it! It may not be the fastest or fanciest model, but it works for me. It's all I really want in a waverunner so no need to fork out a couple extra grand for a bunch of nonsense features I'll never even use. If it were any other gadget or toy, yeah I might go for the top end model with all the bells and whistles. Although the way I look at this, I probably won't ride it as much as I do my motorcycle so I didn't let myself get carried away in selecting this model. It looks kind of big in this photo, but it's not really. I should note that the cheesy pair of riders were not included in the deal.

Ever since riding a waverunner on vacation in the Bahamas a few years ago, I've wanted one. So I finally decided to just do it - go out and get one. Unlink the Bahamas ride, I'll do my best not to stall it out overtop a shark. But hey we all have to die sometime right? So whether it be shark in the water or my bear on land, it keeps life exciting. Then again we really don't have sharks where I live so it shouldn't be a problem.

Usually with big purchases I sort of regret it within the first week, but after that feeling passes, then I wonder how I could of lived without it. I'm a good little saver, but at the same time I'm not a cheap skate either. Life's too short not to save and life is also too short not to spend and enjoy. I never feel guilty about spending money on other people, but when it comes to spending it on me, I sometimes feel like I shouldn't. Maybe that's normal and alot of people feel that way, or maybe it's odd and there are more selfish people in the world than I realize. Anyways, I'm learning it's ok to spoil yourself now and then, so I splurged a little. I work hard, I deserve a little fun reward. Now the only problem is storing it. I think I might have to add on to my garage, or maybe it's a sign that I need to stop buying toys? No, that is just foolish talk - even big boys need their toys. I'll make room for her.

Now go out this weekend in search of adventure and have fun!

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