Wednesday, August 31, 2005

The Donald's Triumphant Blog

Who doesn't have a blog these days? Even celebrities are getting into blogging and so is real estate mogul Donald Trump. He has launched an official blog through Trump University. The blog is subtitled as being about "ideas and opinions from Donald Trump and his circle of experts." The fact that Donald Trump has become a so-called Blogger is huge. You didn't see "Trump The Website" right way, but now he's recognizing that here's a medium he can embrace to extend his message. It'll be reflective of what's topical in the news, business and education. Although he won't tackle popular culture or entertainment. Everybody wants to hear what The Donald, his billions, his hot wife and of course his hair is up to next and what a better way to find out than his blog at

Check out other celebrity blogs in my post on
06/29/05 Celebrity Blogs Including Mark Cuban's.

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